February 26, 2023

  1. Took a moment of silence in memory of Dr. Wendell C. Johnson.
  2. Recognized Dr. John Y. Ok who was recently appointed to the office of Director for District 11.
  3. Recognized Dr. Jeremie J. Perry for his work as the Professional Development Chair.
  4. Appointed that Dr. Chris T. Miller as the Chair Designate of the Professional Development Committee effective May 1, 2023.
  5. Accepted updates on TSA Touch Tuesdays and the Texas Journal of Anesthesiology.
  6. Approved a motion to charge the Awards Committee with developing a mechanism to recognize Dr. Joseph J. Naples for his contributions to the TSA and leadership in San Antonio.
  7. Recognized Dr. Stacey Allen for her service as District 4 Director.
  8. Recognized the TSA staff for the endless hours of support it provides behind the scenes to the PAC.
  9. Approved motion that the TSA will add a line item to its 2024 annual budget to provide support to the PAC for its activities that do not financially support campaigns for state office or current holders.
  10. Approved motion to discontinue the transfer of funds for the annual meeting PAC waiver program.
  11. Approved the Administrative Affairs recommended cost-of-living increases based on CPI and Social Security data.
  12. Applauded Dr. George W. Williams for his appointment to the office of ASA District 19 Alternate Director.
  13. Unanimously approved that a nomination be submitted by the TSA for the ASA Distinguished Service Award.
  14. Approved motion to remove previous regulations and limitations on the Education Committee’s discretion for determining the annual meeting schedule.
  15. Approved motion to allow the TSA staff to initiate an auto-renewal process for TSA dues beginning with the 2024 dues cycle.
  16. Discussed the impact of the No Surprises Act on small groups, anesthesiology and all medical practices.
  17. Recognized the leadership of Dr. Ray Callas and the entire Texas Medical Association in their efforts to combat the No Surprises Act..
  18. Reminded members that TSA has established an email for questions regarding the Independent Dispute Resolution. IDRHelp@tsa.org.
  19. Appointed Y. Natasha Lake to the House of Delegates as an Alternate Delegate to District 8 in Place 12.
  20. Approved May 20, 2023 as the date for the next Board meeting. The meeting will be held in Fort Worth, TX in conjunction with TexMed.
  21. New email addresses have been established for Elizabeth Farley and Jasmine Owen. The address are Elizabeth@tsaga.org and Jasmine@tsaga.org.
  22. Approved via consent calendar the minutes of the September 11, 2022, TSA Board of Directors Meeting as written.