February 26, 2023
- Took a moment of silence in memory of Dr. Wendell C. Johnson.
- Recognized Dr. John Y. Ok who was recently appointed to the office of Director for District 11.
- Recognized Dr. Jeremie J. Perry for his work as the Professional Development Chair.
- Appointed that Dr. Chris T. Miller as the Chair Designate of the Professional Development Committee effective May 1, 2023.
- Accepted updates on TSA Touch Tuesdays and the Texas Journal of Anesthesiology.
- Approved a motion to charge the Awards Committee with developing a mechanism to recognize Dr. Joseph J. Naples for his contributions to the TSA and leadership in San Antonio.
- Recognized Dr. Stacey Allen for her service as District 4 Director.
- Recognized the TSA staff for the endless hours of support it provides behind the scenes to the PAC.
- Approved motion that the TSA will add a line item to its 2024 annual budget to provide support to the PAC for its activities that do not financially support campaigns for state office or current holders.
- Approved motion to discontinue the transfer of funds for the annual meeting PAC waiver program.
- Approved the Administrative Affairs recommended cost-of-living increases based on CPI and Social Security data.
- Applauded Dr. George W. Williams for his appointment to the office of ASA District 19 Alternate Director.
- Unanimously approved that a nomination be submitted by the TSA for the ASA Distinguished Service Award.
- Approved motion to remove previous regulations and limitations on the Education Committee’s discretion for determining the annual meeting schedule.
- Approved motion to allow the TSA staff to initiate an auto-renewal process for TSA dues beginning with the 2024 dues cycle.
- Discussed the impact of the No Surprises Act on small groups, anesthesiology and all medical practices.
- Recognized the leadership of Dr. Ray Callas and the entire Texas Medical Association in their efforts to combat the No Surprises Act..
- Reminded members that TSA has established an email for questions regarding the Independent Dispute Resolution. IDRHelp@tsa.org.
- Appointed Y. Natasha Lake to the House of Delegates as an Alternate Delegate to District 8 in Place 12.
- Approved May 20, 2023 as the date for the next Board meeting. The meeting will be held in Fort Worth, TX in conjunction with TexMed.
- New email addresses have been established for Elizabeth Farley and Jasmine Owen. The address are Elizabeth@tsaga.org and Jasmine@tsaga.org.
- Approved via consent calendar the minutes of the September 11, 2022, TSA Board of Directors Meeting as written.