2022 TSA Proposed Bylaws Additions and Revisions
TSA Bylaws Committee

Your Bylaws Committee will be recommending the following proposed amendments to the TSA 2022 House of Delegates:

Proposal #1: Charles E. Cowles Professional Citizenship Award

The Charles E. Cowles Professional Citizenship Award was approved by the Board of Directors and House of Delegates in 2021. The Bylaws Committee was charged with revising the duties of the Awards Committee to include the selection of the recipient when a qualified candidate is identified.

The TSA Board of Directors has approved the following recommended addition to the TSA Bylaws.

9.2092.4 The Charles E. Cowles Professional Citizenship Award is established to recognize a TSA member with evidence of outstanding impact on patients, colleagues, community and society through their own high standards and ethical conduct, staunch accountability and advocacy for the profession and organization and effective community activity. The award is intended to be presented only when there is a qualified nominee.

Proposal #2: Committee on Resident and Medical Student Education

The House of Delegates approved the transition of the Education Sub-Committee on Resident Training to a standing TSA Committee on Resident and Medical Student Education. At the September 2021 Board of Directors meeting, the Chair of the Education Committee Dr. Gottumukkala and the Chair Education Sub-Committee on Resident Training Dr. S. Lynn Knox were charged with developing a structure and drafting bylaws for the standing committee.

The TSA Board of Directors has approved the following recommended addition to the TSA Bylaws.

9.221 Committee on Resident and Medical Student Education

Composition: At least ten members, four of whom were members of the committee during the previous year.

Duties: Identify and provide resources for education and development of anesthesiology residents and medical students. Act as an advisory group to the Committee on Meetings, Committee on Education and the Board regarding educational efforts of the Society directed toward residents and medical students.

Proposal #3: Judicial Committee

The Judicial Committee determined that future issues referred to the Committee may have an economic impact and be viewed as controversial. Members of the Committee may therefore be exposed to pressure and concern for advancement within the Society. Therefore, the TSA Board of Directors has approved the recommendation that Section 9.20611 be amended to read as follows:

9.20611 The Judicial Committee shall be composed of five Past Presidents Active Members each serving a staggered five year term.

Proposal #4: Bylaws Preamble

The TSA Board of Directors has approved the Ad-hoc Committee on Core Values’ recommendation that the Preamble of the TSA Bylaws be amended as follows:

It shall be the purpose The mission of the Texas Society of Anesthesiologists is to advance, promote and preserve the highest quality, evidence-based, physician anesthesiologist-led care for all of our patients. We strive to achieve our mission through our core values of compassion, professionalism, advocacy, inclusion, and well-being. support the practice of the medical specialty of Anesthesiology in the State of Texas.