APRIL 30, 2022
- Informed the members that based on feedback no changes will be made to the format of the TSA Past Presidents’ Party.
- Reminded the Board there is a section on the No Surprises Act on the TSA homepage and asked the members to inform their colleagues that the information is available and frequently updated.
- Recognized Dr. Christopher R. Cook for his efforts regarding the Independent Dispute Resolution (IDR) issue.
- Recognized and applauded Drs. Anna M. Allred and Zachary S. Jones and the entire GAC for their efforts in preparing for the 2023 legislative session
- Approved February 27-28, 2023, as the dates for the 2023 TSA Anesthesiologists Days at the Capitol.
- Approved an additional $15,000 for childcare at the TSA Annual Meeting.
- Approved motion to amend Section 9.20611 of the TSA Bylaws to read: The Judicial Committee shall be composed of five Past Presidents each serving a staggered five year term.
- Approved the revised TSA Guidelines for Review of Expert Witness Testimony as amended.
- Referred the proposed TSA Mission Statement and Core Value Statement back to the ad-hoc committee with input from the Board of Directors.
- Announced Dr. G. Ray Callas will be running unopposed for president of TMA next year.
- Recognized and applauded Dr. Ray Callas for his election as Chair of the TMA Board of Trustees.
- Approved the revised TSA Conflict of Interest Statement.
- Voted against making a donation to the ASA Charitable Foundation to aid anesthesia care in Ukraine.
- Approved motion that the President of the Society on behalf of the Board of Directors, using an appropriate venue of her choosing, express our dismay and our concerns with the political situation and war in Europe and express our humanitarian concerns for everyone impacted. The second part of the motion is to encourage our members, just as ASA President Dr. Clark did, to make charitable contributions if they so choose.
- Approved with editorial edits, the resolution to the ASA addressing the importance of a board certification entity (such as the ABA) in terms of providing value, accountability, and responsiveness to its diplomats, and to have Dr. Scott E. Kercheville submit the resolution to the ASA Board of Directors in time for its August meeting.
- Agreed to allot time during the House of Delegates meetings for Drs. Stacy L. Norrell and Elizabeth Rebello to encourage members who are interested in serving on TMA committees or councils to attend the TSA Members Serving the TMA Committee meeting which is held at the TSA Annual Meeting.
- Encouraged members who are experiencing issues with payments from Novitas to contact TSA Representative to the Contractor Advisory Committee (CAC) Dr. Mark A. Margolis.
- Approved motion to increase the TSA Annual Meeting golf fee to $200 to help offset the additional cost of transportation this year’s tournament will incur.
- Approved the minutes of the Board of Directors February 5, 2022 meeting.
- Approved title changes for the TSA employees to be more in line with their actual responsibilities.
- Certified the elections results for the 2022 TSA House of Delegates.
- Approved the use of Bylaws procedure under Bylaws Section 10.02 to publish recommendation 1 of the Judicial Committee’s report to TSA Membership.
- Approved that the Board of Directors write a “5-Year Review Policy” for TSA Policies and Position statements that includes the designation of a member of the Executive Committee to monitor adherence to the policy.
- Approved the continuation of allowing the TSAPAC to purchase TSA Annual Meeting waivers, at a twenty percent (20%) discount.