TSA Newsletter
Spring 2012

TSA invites you to attend its’ 2012 Texas Anesthesiologists Day at the Capitol

Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Austin, Texas
Texas State Capitol – Room E2.002


8:30 A.M. – 9:30 A.M.
Introduction and Issues of Importance to the TSA and Medicine
H. A. Tillmann Hein, MD, TSA President
Jaime Capelo, TSA Legislative Consultant

9:30 A.M. – 4:00 P.M.
Lunch will be on your own

Legislative Appointment Break Out Sessions

What to Do and Not Do –
What to Say and Not to Say When Making Legislative Visits

Program presenters will lead you and other attendees on legislative visits. These visits will be scheduled throughout the day at the Capitol.

4:00 P.M.

A maximun of 4 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ will be provided

Great value for a registration fee of only:
$25 pre-registration(by April 10th)
$50 onsite registration

*Resident Fee: $0 (prior to April 10th) or $10 onsite

Every other year, state legislators pass laws that affect you and your patients. That’s why it’s important physicians show up at the Texas Capitol. We need your help to educate our state legislators on issues that affect your patients and your practices. Testifying before a Senate or House Committee hearing is not easy and often can be downright intimidating.

However, it’s extremely important that medicine is there in force.

CPR Day at the Capitol

In addition, during your “down time” from legislative visits, please join the TSA in Room E2.002 of the Capitol for our annual CPR training sessions.

Sessions are to be held at 10:00–11:00 a.m., 1:30–2:30 p.m. and 3:00–4:00 p.m.

Get a Grip on the Future of Medicine

Head to the Sheraton Dallas May 18-19th. You don’t want to miss TexMed 2012! For more information visit www.texmed.org.

Registration for the annual conference is a free benefit of your TMA membership. Texas physician interns, residents, and fellows are welcome to attend TexMed as guests.

TSA’s INTERIM MEETING will be held Saturday, May 19, 2012 at the Sheraton Dallas. Look inside for more information.

TSA Night in the Dallas Arts District

On Saturday, May 19th, treat yourself to a night in the Dallas Arts District, just down the street from the Sheraton Dallas. Take a guided walking tour of the newly re-designed Dallas Arts District (www.thedallasartsdistrict.org).

You are encouraged to join your colleagues for dinner at one of the many fine restaurants in the One Arts Plaza.

If attending TexMed please contact the TSA office by email at info@tsa.org.