1. Approved motion to continue membership with Texas Alliance for Patient Access at the annual level of $1000.00.
  2. Approved motion to discontinue membership with the Texas Civil Justice League.
  3. Approved motion to discontinue membership with the Coalition for Patient Safety.
  4. Scheduled 2018 Anesthesiologists Days at the Capitol for Sunday, February 25th and Monday, February 26th.
  5. Scheduled 2018 CPR Training at the Capitol for Monday, February 26th.
  6. Approved motion to establish an Ad-Hoc Committee to Coordinate TSA Professional Liaisons to External Organizations. The Ad-Hoc Committee will be effective on September 9th and it will be chaired by the Immediate Past President of the Society.
  7. Approved motion to change the status of the assistant position to the TSA Director of Governmental Affairs from part time to full time.
  8. Recognized Drs. Anna Allred and Michelle Koehler for participating in the 2017 TMA Leadership College. Dr. Allred was the Valedictorian this year.
  9. Charged the TSA Nominating Committee with filling the additional ASA Delegate vacancies created when Drs. Catherine Scholl and Margaret Wilson retired and Dr. Crystal Wright was appointed as the ASA Alternate Director to District 19.
  10. Reappointed Dr. Russell K. McAllister as the TSA Editor.
  11. Reappointed Drs. Mark A. Margolis and George W. Williams as the TSA Representatives to the Texas Medicare Contractor Advisory Committee.
  12. Approved motion to allot $7500.00 for the purchase of 10 iPads and necessary accessories in an effort to improve efficiency at the annual meeting


  1. Reminded the members that the furniture in the TSA office will be replaced it in the next few months.
  2. Approved motion to continue financial support for a Diamond Club Reception.
  3. Approved motion to recognize legislators who have gone above and beyond for the TSA with a plaque/award.
  4. Approved motion to continue allowing the TSAPAC to purchase TSA Annual Meeting waivers, at a twenty percent (20%) discount.
  5. Charged the Patient Safety and Medical Quality Committee and the Practice Management Committee with developing a white paper that will clearly delineate the difference between providing an anesthetic which falls under prescriptive authority vs. the actual medical act of an anesthetic itself.
  6. Agreed rather than establishing a clause to increase dues annually based on the national rate of inflation the Board will review membership dues annually and if an increase is necessary the proposed increase will be presented to the House for approval.
  7. Supported requirements that all lobby reimbursement requests contain an activity description to include guest names and topics/bills discussed by TSA lobbyists and their guests. Itemized receipts, including hotel receipts, are to be included with reimbursement requests.
  8. Approved the minutes of the January 14, 2017 Board of Directors Meeting minutes as written.
  9. Certified the 2017 TSA House of Delegates Election Results.
  10. Recognized and applauded Drs. Sherif Zaafran as a new AMA Alternate Delegate for the TMA and Ray Callas as the new member on the TMA Board of Trustees.
  11. Applauded Dr. Deborah Plagenhoef for her service as President to the TSA. ♦