Volume 25, Issue 1
The meeting continued with an address by Dr. John Zerwas on his plans for his upcoming year as President. His speech included emotional recognition of his wife, Cindy who continues to inspire our members during her current health challenges. He strongly endorsed the ASA Perioperative Home that is currently being pushed as a model of health care delivery in a new, modern system.
Dr. Alexander Hannenberg, Chair of the Committee on the DSA, submitted the name of Dr. Jeffrey B. Cooper for the 2012 ASA Distinguished Service Award for his outstanding commitment and work with the APSF.
Dr. Patrick Giam, Texas Alt. Director, gave two nominating speeches, one for Dr. Jane Fitch for election to President Elect and another for our own Dr. Mary Dale Peterson for re‐election to Asst. Treasurer (thus continuing her continued progression as the next ASA President to come from Texas).
The House was recessed at 11:30 AM to resume business on October 17, 2012.
Also, on Sunday, October 14th, Reference Committee Meetings were held from 1:15 PM to 4:30 PM at the Washington Renaissance Hotel.
Two members of the Texas Delegation were chosen by the President to represent the Western Caucus as participants in Reference Committees:
Administrative Affairs – Dr. Patrick Y. Giam
Professional Affairs – Dr. Amr E. Abouleish
On Monday, October 15th the ASA Distinguished Service Award for 2011 was presented to Dr.
Jeffrey Apfelbaum who gave the Rovenstine Memorial Lecture as well (a unique pairing that had happened only once in the history of the Annual Meeting). His lecture concentrated on the history and importance of the Committee of Standards and Practice Parameters. He very appropriately lauded the groundbreaking work of Dr. James F. Arens who chaired and shepherded this extremely important body from its inception and for many years thereafter.
The Texas Delegation met again on Tuesday, October 16th at 1:35 PM in Caucus to review the recommendations of the Reference Committee the pending contested elections and to discuss the upcoming House of Delegates on Wednesday. The Texas Caucus adjourned at 2:50 PM.
Dr. Randall Clark, Caucus Chair, reconvened the Western Caucus at 3:35 PM. Dr. Charles Anderson, Chair of Caucus Candidates Committee, presented the Candidates Committee slate of candidates for Caucus officers who were elected unopposed. Dr. Scott Kercheville was elevated to Vice Chair after serving two years as Secretary. The members reviewed the reports of the Reference Committees on the HOD Handbook with discussion of those items that generated the majority of debate at the Reference Committees.
The Speaker, Dr. J. P. Abenstein, reconvened the House of Delegates at 8:00 AM on Wednesday, October 17th.
The Session began with balloting for the DSA. Dr. Jeffrey B. Cooper received the necessary 2/3 House of Delegates ballots for the 2013 Distinguished Service Award.
The Following Members were Nominated for the Election Scheduled on Wednesday, Oct. 17th:
President Elect
First Vice President
First Vice President
VP for Scientific Affairs
VP for Professional Affairs
Assistant Treasurer
Assistant Secretary
Assistant Secretary
Dr. Jane C. K. Fitch
Dr. John P. Abenstein
Dr. Arthur M. Boudreaux
Dr. Arnold J. Berry
Dr. Norman A. Cohen
Dr. James D. Grant
Dr. Mary Dale Peterson
Dr. Linda J. Mason
Dr. Scott B. Groudine
Dr. Jeffrey S. Plagenhoef
Dr. Steven L. Sween
Dr. Ronald L. Harter
Elections were Held with the Following Results:
President Elect
1st Vice President
VP for Scientific Affairs
VP for Professional Affairs
Assistant Secretary
Assistant Treasurer
Vice Speaker
Dr. Jane C. K. Fitch
Dr. John P. Abenstein
Dr. Arnold J. Berry
Dr. Norman A. Cohen
Dr. Linda J. Mason
Dr. Jeffrey S. Plagenhoef
Dr. James D. Grant
Dr. Mary Dale Peterson
Dr. Steven L. Sween
Dr. Ronald L. Harter