Actions of the 2012 TSA HOD and TSA BOD

Summary of Actions
TSA House of Delegates
September 6-7, 2012

  1. Recognized and applauded special guests from the American Society of Anesthesiologists, TSA members of the Military, new members of the TSA and TSA Past Presidents.
  2. Applauded Udaya B. Padakandla, MD for his recent recordings of TSA Past Presidents.
  3. Accepted Minutes of the TSA House of Delegates Meetings of September 8 & 9, 2011, as written.
  4. Applauded H. A. Tillmann Hein, MD for his service as TSA President.
  5. Recognized Baylor College of Medicine, UTHSC-Houston, UTHSCSan Antonio, UT Medical Branch-Galveston, Scott & White, Texas Tech-Lubbock and Texas Tech-El Paso for maintaining 100% resident membership.
  6. Recognized Brian D. Masel, MD as the 2012 William H. King Advocacy Award recipient.
  7. Approved Board actions of September 11, 2011, January 22, 2012, and May 20, 2012.
  8. Applauded Gary Ring, MD for his years of exceptional service as District 10 Director.
  9. Applauded James K. Sims, MD for his efforts in creating an excellent art exhibit.
  10. Recognized and applauded N. Martin Giesecke, MD for his multiple years of service as Editor of the TSA Bulletin and his service as Chair of the TSA Communications Committee.
  11. Applauded Girish P. Joshi, MD for his ongoing efforts in the development of a stellar and profitable educational program over the last eleven years.
  12. Referred recommendation that the TSA create Texas State Truth and Transparency Legislation to clarify the identification of health care professionals and limit the term “physician” to include only MDs or DOs in the health care setting to a committee of the President’s Choice with a report due back to the TSA Board of Directors by January 2013.
  13. Approved recommendation that the TSA should advocate for all anesthesiology departments to identify a pharmacy point person as a liaison and/or develop and maintain a leadership role on the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee.
  14. Approved recommendation that the TSA advocate strongly for restoration of postgraduate medical education funding to facilitate continued graduation of qualified physician anesthesiologist.
  15. Approved recommendation that the TSA focus a specific effort to attract medical students, residents and faculty members of the host city anesthesiology department(s) as well
  16. as local private groups to the TSA Interim Meeting.
  17. Approved recommendation that the TSA investigates liaison or official involvement with the Texas Transplantation Society on behalf of those members involved in organ transplantation.
  18. Approved recommendation that TSA budget $55,000 for an additional TSA lobbyist.
  19. Approved the 2012-2013 TSA committee appointments.
  20. Approved the TSA 2013 Annual Budget as amended.
  21. Recognized and applauded Robert I. Parks, Jr., MD for receiving the 2013 Distinguished Service Award.
  22. Approved revisions to Bylaws Section 9.208, Committee on Governmental Affairs.
  23. Approved editorial amendment to add Dr. S. Lynn Knox as a Co-Chair on the report of the Education Sub-Committee on Resident Training.
  24. Approved recommendation that a resident member be appointed to the Education Sub-Committee on Resident Training.
  25. Approved recommendation that the Professional Development Sub-Committee for Resident to Practitioners liaison with the Education Sub-Committee on Resident Training to develop a survey instrument regarding the preparedness of new graduates.
  26. Approved as amended, Finance Advisory Committee Annual Report. Line 43 was amended to read: “% growth June 30, 2011-July 31, 2012 (2.38%)”. The negative rate of return is reflective of the period of time containing two market declines without containing the subsequent recovery, which has since occurred.
  27. Approved as amended History Committee Annual Report. The Report was amended to reflect a cost of $430 for the Final Cut Pro software.
  28. Recognized and applauded Charles C. Tandy, MD for his service to the TSA since 1963.
  29. Approved and referred, to the Bylaws Committee, the recommendation that the TSA establish a permanent TSA Committee on Office Surgery.
  30. Approved and referred, to the Bylaws Committee, the recommendation that the current Committee on Patient Safety be changed to the Committee on Patient Safety and Medical Quality.