Actions of the 2012 TSA HOD and TSA BOD

Summary of Actions
TSA Board of Directors
September 9, 2012

  1. Approved the minutes of the May 20, 2012 Board of Directors’ Meeting as written.
  2. Appointed Evan G. Pivalizza, MD as the TSA Delegate to the TMA Interspecialty Society Committee for 2013-2014.
  3. Appointed John S. Scott, Jr., DO as the Alternate Delegate to the TMA Interspecialty Society Committee for 2013-2014.
  4. Accepted the resignation of Gary Ring, MD as Director of District 10.
  5. Appointed Udaya B. Padakandla, MD as the Interim Director for District 10.
  6. Appointed David E. Bryant, MD the Director for District 11.
  7. Approved motion to provide $1000 to each of (3) TSA residents to attend the ASA 2013 Practice Management Conference. The residents will be selected by the TSA Education Committee.
  8. Charged a Committee of the President’s choice with reviewing the procedure for accessing legal services from the TSA Legal Consultant.
  9. Appointed Joey W. Lindmark, MD to the TSA Communications Committee.
  10. Appointed Jeff R. Zavaleta, MD to the TSA Practice Management Committee.
  11. Appointed an Ad-Hoc Committee on Office-Based Anesthesia. Members of the Committee are: Drs. Thomas J. Oliverson, Chair, Noah S. Bunker, Penelope K. Duke, Girish P. Joshi, Dhanalakshmi Koyyalagunta, David C. Mackey and Jeremie J. Perry.
  12. Charged Dr. Evan G. Pivalizza with developing a method for the TSA to maintain an official involvement with the Texas Transplantation Society (TTS), on behalf of its members involved in organ transplant.
  13. Appointed TSA resident member, Brian D. Masel, MD to the Education Sub-Committee on Resident Training.
  14. Charged the TSA Governmental Affairs Committee with drafting Texas State Truth and Transparency Legislation to clarify the identification of health care professionals and limit the term “physician” to include only MDs or DOs in the health care setting.
  15. Appointed Joseph F. Bryan, II, MD as Chair of the Credentials Committee.
  16. Appointed R. Barry Berndt, MD to the Credentials Committee.
  17. Appointed the following members to the TSA House of Delegates: Maneesh R. Amancharla, MD, District 3, Delegate, Place 1; George M. Miller, MD, District 3, Alternate Delegate, Place 1; and Justin Shults, MD, District 6, Alternate Delegate, Place 2.
  18. Applauded Catherine L. Scholl, MD for her outstanding efforts in creating the TSA Flowerdew Report.
  19. Applauded Scott A. Lindberg, MD for his efforts with the TSAPAC.
  20. Applauded Girish P. Joshi, MD and the TSA Education Committee for another successful Annual Meeting.
  21. Charged the TSA Education Committee with reviewing the probability of charging an additional registration fee for Annual Meeting workshops.
  22. Allocated a total of $1500 in honorarium for Annual Meeting out-of-state speakers.
  23. Charged the TSA President, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer and GAC Chair, with drafting a policy for attendance and reimbursement for the ASA Legislative Conference.
  24. Approved motion to waive future Annual Meeting registration fees for TSA military members.
  25. Appointed James S. Guo, MD to the Professional Development Committee.
  26. Charged the Professional Development Sub-Committee on Rural Anesthesia with drafting a letter for the TSA President to be sent to the Texas large anesthesia groups, encouraging them to support anesthesiologists who are currently in rural areas of Texas.
  27. Announced that the TSA 2013 Practice Management Conference will be held in conjunction with the Anesthesia Administrators of Texas Annual Conference on February 23, 2013 in Austin.
  28. Appointed Daneshvari R. Solanki, MD to the History Committee.
  29. Charged Udaya B. Padakandla, MD with developing a method for posting various quotes from the TSA Past