TSA Bylaws

Revised By-Laws adopted by Resolution 5-4-68

Amendments 5-3-70

Article 1 (1.21 & 1.22) Article 3 (3.1 & 3.2), Article 5 (5.1 & 5.3) and Article 9

Amendments 5-14-72

Article 1 (1.131, 1.171, 1.19 & 1.191), Article 3 (3.22 & 3.34) and Article 5 (5.41)

Amendments 5-4-75

Article 1 (1.153, 1.211a), Statement of Policy and Guidelines to Ethical Practice of Anesthesia

Amendments 5-9-76 (Major Revisions)

1.136, 1.154, 1.171, 1.172, 1.204, 1.216, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.11, 3.12, 3.13, 3.141, 3.143, 3.144, 3.145, 3.146, 3.147, 3.2, 3.21, 3.22, 3.3, 3.31, 3.40, 3.41, 3.42, 3.43, 3.44, 3.45, 3.46, 3.47, Deleted Articles 4 through 10 and substituted Article 4 -Director Districts, Article 5 – House of Delegates, Article 6 ­Board of Directors, Article 7 – Annual Sessions, Article 8 – Interim Meeting, Article 9 – Editorial Board, Article 10 – Committees, Article 11 ­Funds and Expenditures, Article 12 – Referendum, Article 13 – Amendments, Rules of Order for the House of Delegates

Amendments 9-12-76

4.0221, 4.0222, 4.0234, 5.054

Amendments 9-18-77

1.12, 1.131, 1.136, 1.173, 2.4, 3.141, 3.143, 3.146, 3.147, 3.24, 3.34, 4.0232, 4.0233, 6.032, 6.04, 10.031

Amendments 9-17-78

4.0221, 4.0231, 4.0232, 4.0234, 6.01, 6.043, 10.038, 10.039, 10.040, (old 10.038 et seq. re-numbered 10.041 to 10.045) Rules: 4.01, 5.01, 5.02, 5.03, (old 5.01 to 11.01 re-numbered 6.01 to 12.01)

Amendments 9-16-79

2.5, 10.036, 10.041 (re-numbered 10.041, 10.042, 10.043, 10.044, 10.045) (Guidelines to the Ethical Practice of Anesthesiology and the TSA Statement of Policy also amended.)

Amendments 9-7-80

1.135, 1.136, 1.137, 1.156, 1.157, 10.031

Amendments 9-6-81

2.11, 2.12, 2.3, 2.4, 3.147, 3.148, 10.041

Amendments 9-19-82

6.032, 6.052

Amendments 9-18-83

3.34, 7.01, 10.042 et seq.

Amendments 9-9-84

10.040 (deleted) re-numbering balance of article
Statement on Regional Anesthesia
Essentials for the Ethical Application of the Team Concept in Anesthesiology Patient Care

Amendments 9-15-85

4.0221, 4.0222 and 6.01

Amendments 9-13-87

1.12, 1.136, 1.156, 1.171, 2.12, 4.0221 (4.221), 4.0222 (4.222), 4.04 (4.4), 5.01 (5.1), 10.031 (9.31), 10.036 (9.36); added 6.11; combined Articles 7 and 8 into Article 7 – Meetings renumbering subsequent Articles accordingly; changed all references to annual or interim “session(s)” to “meeting(s)”; and renumbered as follows:  1.1321, 1.1322, 1.1323 and 1.1324 to a., b., c.  and d.; beginning with Article 4 renumbered 4.01 to 4.1, 4.02 to 4.2, 4.020 to 4.20, 4.021 to 4.21, 4.022 to 4.22; paragraphs under the main heading not previously numbered designated a., b., etc., 4.023 to 4.23, 4.0231 to 4.231, and so forth.  Changed reference to 4.0232 to 4.232 (in 4.233), 4.03 to 4.3 and the ensuing un-numbered paragraphs designated a.b., etc.  Removed the leading zero after the decimal point in all subsequent paragraphs; and 5.03 (5.3) subparagraphs lettered a., b., etc. instead of (A), (B).

Amendments 9-11-88

5.54; 9.40 (changed Committee on Founders Award to Committee on Awards); 9.42 (established a Nominating Committee and provided composition and duties; and re-numbered previous 9.42 and 9.43)

Amendments 9-10-89

2.3, 2.4, 3.22, 3.24, 3.33, 4.231, 4.4 a, 9.37

Amendments 9-9-90

5.1, 5,54, 6.43, 9.42, 9.43, 9.44, 9.45, (renumbered 9.43 through 9.443) (Adopted ASA Amended Standards for Basic Intra-Operative Monitoring)

Amendments 9-7-91

3.34; 9.33; 9.46 (established Committee on Leadership Development; and re-numbered previous 9.46, 9.47 through 9.473); Rules of Order for the House of Delegates 12.01 (selected Sturgis’ Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure as official parliamentary authority)

Amendments 9-9-90

5.1, 5,54, 6.43, 9.42, 9.43, 9.44, 9.45, (renumbered 9.43 through 9.443) (Adopted ASA Amended Standards for Basic Intra-Operative Monitoring)

Amendments 9-13-92

1.136 (changed eligibility requirement for active disabled membership from one-year’s disability to six months’ disability); Guidelines to the Ethical Practice of Anesthesiology, paragraph C (removed the gender bias)

Amendments 9-12-93

9.40 (changed name of Founders Award to Distinguished Service Award); 9.41 (changed composition of Long Range Planning Committee)

Amendments 9-11-94

1.17; 3.1; and 4.21 (deleted two-year membership requirement for elections to the House of Delegates or to hold office.

Amendments 9-5-96

Complete revision of Bylaws to reflect gender neutrality.

Amendments 9-10-98

Article 1 (1.152); Article 4 (4.1 & 4.20); Article 9 (9.43, 9.46, 9.47, 9.48 & 9.49)

Amendments 9-16-99

Article 2 (added 2.13, eliminating dues for Residents in anesthesiology); Article 4 (4.1) and (4.3); and Rules of Order For The House of Delegates (5.01).  Eliminated all statements of policy currently in force and adopted en bloc all Standards, Guidelines and Practice Parameters as approved and published by the ASA.  Added Article 13 – Guidelines, Standards, Policies and Statements.

Amendments 9-5-02

Preamble inserted; Article 1 (1.11); (1.12);  (1.13); (1.131); (1.132); (1.133); (1.134); (1.138); (1.151); (1.152); (1.155); (1.157) inserted; (1.158); (1.19); (1.191); (1.21); (1.212); (1.213); (1.215a); (1.23); (1.24); (1.24a,b); Article 2 (2.11); (2.3); (2.4); (2.5); Article 3 (3.12); (3.144); (3.144d); (3.146); (3.147); Article 4 (District 7); (District 8); (4.221b,c,d,e); (4.31); (4.4b); (4.5); Article 5 (5.42); (5.61); Article 6 (6.33); (6.34); (6.42); (6.44); Article 9 (9.32); (9.33); (9.34); (9.38); (9.40); (9.43); (9.44); (9.46); (9.47); (9.48); (9.49); (9.50); (9.501); (9.502); (9.503); Article 11 (11.23); Rules (3.01c); (5.02b,c,d,g,h,i,j,k,l); (503b,c,h,i); (7.01).

Amendments 9-10-04

Adopted new Article 2.14 and Article 3.5. Revised Article 9.36 and Article 9.37.

Amendments 9-9-05

Adopted new Article 3.1455. Revised Article 3.1. Adopted new article 9.314. Revised Article 9.47.

Amendments 9-08-06

Revised Article 3.148, Article 6.1, Article 6.51 and Article 9.42 to include the office of Assistant Treasurer.

Amendments 09-09-07

Amended Article 6.52c to delete the words “has no policy making power, and” when referencing the TSA Executive Committee.
Revised Article 12.1b to include e-mail distribution.
Revised Articles 9.39 and 9.47 to reflect the name change of the Legislative Affairs Committee to the Governmental Affairs Committee.
Revised Article 9.3 and 9.39 to reflect the changes to the composition and scope of the Governmental Affairs Committee.
Adopted new Articles 9.391, 9.392, 9.393 and 9.394.

Amendments 09-05-08

Complete revisions.

Amendments 09-11-09

Revised Article 9.215 to reflect the name change of the Professional Development and     Practice Opportunities Committee to the Professional Development Committee.
Revised Article 9.2152 to reflect the changes to the scope of the Professional Development Committee.
Amended Article 4.141 to delete the word “close” and replace with “opening”.
Amended Article 4.142 to delete the word “conclusion” and replace with “opening”.
Adopted new Article 4.34.

Amendments 09-10-10

Removed section 4.133; Revised sections 3.045, 4.4, 6.201 and 6.42.

Amendments 09-07-12

Amended Article 9.208, sections 9.2081, 9.2082, 9.2083, 9.20831 and 9.20832.
Deleted Article 9.208 sections 9.2084, 9.2085 and 9.2086.

Amendments 09-06-13

Amended Article 9.216 to change name to Committee on Patient Safety and Medical Quality;
Added Article 9.218-Committee on Office-Based Anesthesia and Article 9.219-Betty P. Stephenson Circle of Friends

Amendments 09-05-14

Amended Article 9.200 Committee on Annual and Interim Meetings to appropriately reflect the actual duties of the Committee.

Amendments 09-11-15

Amended Section 7.02; Deleted Section 7.03; Amended Section 7.1; Deleted Section 7.11; Amended Sections 9.200, 9.2001, 9.2002, 9.2003, 9.2004, 9.2005, 9.2092.1; Added 9.2092.2; and Added Section 9.220

Amendments 09-07-18

Amended Section 1.018; Amended Section 1.037; Amended Section 1.053; Amended Article 5; Amended Article 6; and Added Section 9.20625.

Amendments 09-06-19

Added Section 9.2092.3; Modified Sections 3.23, 9.1 and 9.2152

Amendments 09-13-20

Amended Section 9.2201 Committee on Key Contacts Composition to allow for appointment of additional non-voting members by the President-Elect.

Amendments 09-08-23

Modified sections 8.3 and 9.2122 to remove the oversight of the TSA website from the Editorial Board to the Communications Committee.

Amendments 09-09-22

Addition of Section 9.2092.4 The Charles E. Cowles Professional Citizenship Award.
Creation of Section 9.221 Committee on Resident and Medical Student Education.
Amended composition of Section 9.20611 Judicial Committee from five active members to five Past Presidents.
Revised the Preamble of the Bylaws to reflect the core values of the Society.