September 8-9, 2022
- Recognized and applauded special guests from the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Texas ASA officers, new members of the TSA and TSA Past Presidents.
- Accepted and approved the Minutes of the TSA House of Delegates Meeting of September 12, 2021, as written.
- Accepted Resolution 4-Honoring the Past While Looking to the Future and Resolution 5-Hortense Ann Becker as new items of business.
- ecognized Christina Bacak for her service and dedication to the TSA. Chris celebrated her 20th anniversary with the TSA in 2021.
- Recognized Baylor College of Medicine, Baylor Scott & White-Temple, McGovern Medical School at UT-Houston, Texas Tech Health Science Center-Lubbock, UT Health Science Center-San Antonio, UT Medical Branch-Galveston, and UT Southwestern Medical Center for maintaining 100% resident membership in the TSA.
- Recognized TSA members who have been accepted into the 2022-2023 TMA Leadership College and past participants of the program.
- Recognized Niklas L. Glenesk, MD as the 2022 William H. King Advocacy Award recipient.
- Presented the Ray Callas Outstanding Key Contact Award to John S. Scott, Jr., DO, FASA.
- Presented the TSAPAC Texas Trophy Award to Chris T. Miller, MD TSA Director for District 2 for having the highest percent of members contributing to the TSAPAC in 2022.
- Accepted all items published on the consent calendar for information only.
- Expressed appreciation to the members of the Reference Committees, the TSA President, Speaker, Vice-Speaker, Chris Bacak and Jennifer Bacak.
- Approved an independent dispute resolution subcommittee of the practice management committee to serve as a resource for physician anesthesiologists in Texas who are undergoing the IDR.
- Approved a policy research rotation with our legislative team in Austin, Texas during the months of the legislative session, with a stipend of $5,500 per resident selected.
- Approved recommend that TSA create an owned and operated medical journal, entitled “Texas Journal of Anesthesiology”, or TJA and that additional details be deliberated by the TSA Editorial Board.
- Approved the establishment of the TSA Scholarship Targeted Anesthesiology Research for Texas (START) Grant. Additional details should be deliberated by the Education Sub-Committee on Research.
- Approved the 2023 projected budget.
- Established Juneteenth as a paid holiday for the TSA office staff.
- Recognized and applauded Carin A. Hagberg, M.D. as the recipient of the 2023 Distinguished Service Award.
- Recognized and applauded Rebecca “Becky” Hein as the 2022 Cindy Zerwas Special Friend Award recipient.
- Recognized and applauded Katharine E. Heffner, MD as the 2022 Dr. James Adkins and Linda Adkins Resident Award recipient.
- Approved the addition of Section 9.2092.4 to the TSA Bylaws.
- Approved the creation of Section 9.221 of the TSA Bylaws.
- Approved the modification to Section 9.20611 of the TSA Bylaws.
- Approved revisions to the Preamble of the TSA Bylaws.
- Allocated $15,000 in the TSA 2023 budget to create a digital media campaign, with the ability for the TSA Board of Directors to approve additional funding if needed.
- Approved an Ad-hoc Committee on Website Redesign to conduct a facelift of the website and modernize the advocacy portion in preparation for the 88th Legislative Session. Quotes to determine the cost of the redesign are to be collected by the committee.
- Approved recommend that the TSA policy statement on the administration of an anesthetic by a non-physician provider be readopted if the proposed recommendation by the Ad-Hoc Committee on Core Values is not approved.
- Approved a “5-Year Review Policy”, written by the Board of Directors, that includes the designation of a member of the Executive Committee to monitor adherence to the policy.
- Approved a retreat for the purposes of directing the future goals of the Society for the next five years.
- Elected the following:President-Elect Udaya B. Padakandla
Secretary Amr E. Abouleish
Treasurer Elizabeth Rebello
Assistant Treasurer C. Nicholas LeeASA Delegates:
Place 7 C. Nicholas Lee
Place 8 Jeremie J. Perry
Place 10 David C. Mackey
Place 11 S. Lynn Knox
Place 17 Girish P. Joshi
Place 23 Sherif Z. Zaafran
Place 24 Tim M. Bittenbinder
Place 26 Udaya B. Padakandla
Place 27 Thomas J. Oliverson
Place 28 George W. WilliamsASA Alternate Delegates:
Place 1 Jose M. Soliz
Place 2 Jeffrey S. Richards
Place 3 Bracken S. Kolle
Place 4 Zachary S. Jones
Place 5 Stacey L. Allen
Place 6 Russell K. McAllister
Place 7 Christopher R. Cook
Place 8 Kristina L. Goff
Place 9 Vijaya Gottumukkala
Place 10 Xuan Tran Langridge
Place 11 Scott S. Meril
Place 12 Richard P. Dutton
Place 13 Andrew L. Zak
Place 14 Radha Arunkumar
Place 15 Joe F. Bryan, II
Place 16 Benjamin D. Harvey
Place 17 Michelle Z. Koehler
Place 18 Jeffrey W. Steiner
Place 19 Brandy M. Bergeron
Place 20 Vishal Raizada
Place 21 Austin D. Street
Place 22 Stacy L. Norrell
Place 23 Ramy Mankarious
Place 24 Brian D. Dewan
Place 25 Christopher T. Miller
Place 26 January Tsai
Place 27 Anna M. Allred
Place 28 Kristyn B. Ingram
Place 29 Mark A. Margolis
Place 30 Edward J. Prejean, III
- Approved the TSA BOD resolution: Looking forward the TSA will endorse a maintenance of certification entity that provides value to its diplomates in cataloging and relaying information about members’ completed CME.
- Approved the TSA BOD resolution: Looking forward the TSA should endorse a maintenance of certification entity that provides value to its diplomates in advocating for the superior qualities of its diplomates compared to those who do not maintain certification including comparison to non-physician providers.
- Approved submission by the TSA BOD, of resolution in item 31 and 32, to the ASA BOD.
- Approved replacement of the TSA Bylaws Preamble to read: The mission of the Texas Society of Anesthesiologists is to advance, promote, and preserve the highest quality, evidence-based, physician anesthesiologist-led care for all patients. We strive to achieve our mission through our core values of compassion, professionalism, advocacy, inclusion, and well-being.
- Adopted the Texas Society of Anesthesiologists Policy Statement on Core Values.
- Approved that the TSA will advocate for Hospital-based physicians (Emergency medicine, Radiology, Pathology, Surgery, Hospital Medicine, Anesthesiology) to be able to bill and be paid directly for Uncompensated Medical Trauma Care (UMTC) by the Texas health and human services when trauma patients come for emergency perioperative care and for Fair UMTC Payment.
- Approved an ad-hoc committee for Independent and Small Group Anesthesiologists.
- Approved establishing a committee of the president’s choice to determine symbols that reflect the society, obtain logo ideas and bring the top two to three designs to the 2023 House of Delegates for final selection by vote.
- Approved that the TSA honor Hortense Ann Becker’s memory and legacy with a suitable plaque in the office of the TSA reflecting TSA’s respect for Ann.