September 11, 2022
- Recognized Mr. Gerardo Trejo, Texas Society of Anesthesia Technologists and Technicians (TSATT) President.
- Approved the minutes of the April 20, 2022, TSA Board of Directors Meeting as written.
- Approved motion to provide annual funding of $1,000 to all active residency programs in Texas to attend the ASA ADVANCE. The next review will occur in 2024.
- Approved annual funding of $1,000 per resident delegate from Texas to the ASA Resident Component House of Delegates.
- Announced that a membership-wide email message will be sent out calling for self-nominations, or those of a colleague, for the office of TSA Vice-Speaker of the House of Delegates.
- Took a moment of silence in memory of the victims of 911.
- Approved motion to update the Texas Pint to the Cathy L. Scholl, M.D. Texas Pint in member of Dr. Catherine L. Scholl.
- Announced that members who are interested in serving on Texas Medical Association (TMA) committees, councils, or boards should contact the committee chairs of the TSA Committee of TSA Members Serving the TMA for guidance.
- Noted that Dr. Jeremie J. Perry will explore the value of sending a TSA member to the ASA Executive Physician Leadership Program and report back to the Board at its 2023 winter meeting.
- Approved additional funding of $5,000 for a digital media campaign.
- Appointed an Ad-Hoc Committee on Website Re-Design to include a member from the Administrative Affairs, Communications, Governmental Affairs, History, and Membership Committees, a member from the Resident Component, and a member from the Editorial Board. The Communications Committee designee will serve as the chair of the ad-hoc committee.
- Charged the Ad-Hoc Committee on Website Re-Design first with providing a meaningful website facelift prior to the legislative session then following the facelift to obtain quotes to determine the cost and possibility of website re-design.
- Requested that Dr. Jeremie Perry work with a member of the Executive Committee to create a policy for reviewing/sunsetting TSA position statements/policies every five years.
- Dr. Williams plans to engage members who are part of small groups and will provide an update regarding the Ad-Hoc Committee for Independent & Small Groups at the 2023 winter board meeting.
- Approved creation of the email address IDRhelp@TSA.org
- Allocated $500.00 for a 3D metal plaque in memory of Hortense Ann Becker.
- Informed members that the 2023 cost of living salary adjustment for the TSA staff will be approximately 9%; the funds were included in the 2023 budget approved by the 2022 House of Delegates.
- Announced that Director of Governmental Affairs, Elizabeth Farley will be coordinating the efforts for the TSA policy research rotation.
- Informed the members that the Editorial Board has begun working on the creation of TSA’s “Texas Journal of Anesthesiology” (TJA).
- Tasked the Bylaws Committee with changing the oversight of the website from the Editorial Board to the Communications Committee.
- Noted the Education Sub-Committee on Research is developing a full profile on how the Scholarship Targeted Anesthesiology Research for Texas grant will be administered.
- Designated the Art Committee with the responsibility of obtaining logo ideas and bringing the top three designs to the 2023 House of Delegates for final selection.
- Appointed the following members to the TSA House of Delegates:
- Kristyn B. Ingram as a Delegate to District 1 in Place 2;
- Esteban Arredondo as an Alternate Delegate to District 4 in Place 14; and
- Lisa A. Caplan as a Delegate to District 7 in Place 7.
- Expressed gratitude to the ASA officers and candidates for attending the TSA/ASA Delegation meeting.
- Informed members that a call for nominations for appointments to the 2023-2024 ASA Committees will be made in November by the ASA Governance Office. Anyone interested in a letter of support should contact Dr. Kercheville.
- Recognized Dr. Crystal Wright for her candidacy for Assistant Treasurer of the ASA.
- Recognized Dr. Joy Hawkins for her presentation of the 2022 Betty P. Stephenson Lectureship.
- Tabled discussion regarding the appointment and removal of members to and from TSA Committees.
- Tabled the motion that the Board be given the ability to use up to $20,000 of its discretionary funds, that the funds may be used for legally appropriate TSAPAC overhead and allow TSA legal counsel the opportunity to make a ruling on whether it is legal for TSA to fund TSAPAC overhead.
- Accepted the appointment of Dr. John Scott as the TSAPAC Chair for a term of 3-years.
- Recognized Chris Bacak, the TSA Administrative Team, the TSA Education Committee, speakers and presenters for an excellent meeting. After not meeting in-person for two years this year’s meeting was a success.
- Recognized Chris Bacak and Clayton Devin for their efforts in establishing childcare at the annual meeting.
- Accepted the Treasurer’s report, funding of $18,500 was approved during this meeting.
- Approved February 26, 2023, as the date for the TSA winter board meeting.
- Announced February 25, 2023, as the date for the Long Range Planning Retreat.
- Noted the dates for the 2023 TSA Anesthesiologists Days at the Capitol are Monday and Tuesday, February 27th & 28th.
- Tabled conversation regarding commercial vendor relationships.