Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

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TSA Facebook Feed
The TSA is excited to announce the current exhibitors and job fair participants for TSA 2025! As an organization, we could not put on our annual meeting without the help of our sponsors, exhibitors and job fair participants. We are so grateful for their support! The exhibit hall is not yet sold out, but we have applications coming in weekly so sign-up now! We have 9 more job fair participants that we will be announcing soon, stay tuned! tsa.org/tsa-exhibitor-showcase-2025/ ... See MoreSee Less
TSA Instagram Feed
TSA Twitter Feed
The TSA is excited to announce the current exhibitors and job fair participants for #TXAnes25! As an organization, we could not put on our annual meeting without the help of our sponsors, exhibitors and job fair participants. We are so grateful for their support! The exhibit hall…
TSA Member Alerts
TSA provides CME programs; advocates at the legislative, regulatory and legal arenas; and through its representation at the ASA, TMA, and AMA, it insures that TSA’s voice is heard at the state and national levels.
Posted 03/2023
The TSA is a voluntary, non-profit association of over 3,800 members interested in the medical specialty of Anesthesiology and it is a component of the American Society of Anesthesiologists.
Posted 07/2022
The American Society of Anesthesiologists is an educational, research and scientific association of physicians organized to raise standards of the medical practice of anesthesiology and to improve patient care.
Posted 01/2022
The Pediatric CV Anesthesia Fellowship at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston is now Texas Medical Board
Posted 01/2021
TSA Upcoming Events

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