MAY 17, 2021
- Announced that Bonnie Bruce will be resigning from the TSA in June of this year.
- Recognized Bonnie Bruce for TSA’s numerous legislative successes.
- Announced that all hotel requests that are specific to events or meetings occurring during the annual meeting must be made thru Chris Bacak.
- Expressed gratitude on behalf of Jennifer Cowles for everyone’s support, thoughts, and prayers.
- Conveyed appreciation to Dr. John Scott for his leadership of the TSAPAC.
- Charged the TSA Professional Development and Governmental Affairs Committees with developing 6-7 Zoom calls a year, based on the Transition to Practice program’s infrastructure, the calls will target residents, however, they will be open to all members.
- Recognized Drs. Anna Allred and Sherif Zaafran for their efforts this Session, especially on the All-Claim Payer Database bill.
- Recognized Drs. Austin Street and Lisa Weiss for their continued support and efforts.
- Expressed appreciation to members who participated in TSA Action Alerts.
- Noted that the Charles E. Cowles Professional Citizenship Award is not intended to be awarded each year.
- Recognized Christina Bacak for her efforts and continued contract negotiations.
- Recognized Dr. Elizabeth Rebello as the new TSA Assistant Treasurer.
- Approved the minutes of the Board of Directors January 24, 2021 meeting.
- Approved the criteria for the Charles E. Cowles Professional Citizenship Award.
- Certified the TSA House of Delegates election results for 2021.
- Approved the continuation of allowing the TSAPAC to purchase TSA Annual Meeting waivers at a twenty percent discount.