Davide Cattano M.D., PhD, FASA
McGovern Medical School UTHealth
Professor Department of Anesthesiology
Critical Care and Pain Medicine
Houston, TX
Anesthesiology: Sober Dissertation
The origin has to be classic, in the deepest etymology: the knowledge (truth) about the absence of being (absence of feeling). A true philosophical debate that could easily endorse positions between believers and agnostics, rationalism and hedonism, as well as views on the eschatological meaning of science, conscience, relativism, and dogmatism. One way or the other, modern attention is completely focused (literally firing all neurons, BIS wise 98) on the green pastures of molecular biology, functional MRls, difficult airways, practice management, and quality issues, going through the latest House bills, Medicare reforms, and poetry on Letheon.
My roots, as classical as they can be, almost sound like a modern version of Mamma Mia, or the Soprano’s, but definitely not Jersey Shore: a connection of wild-turning trigger points yet as traditional as Chinese medicine, a swirl of dotted black and white, as old as a Ying and Yang, modern-like entropy, TOF-watch, or a Vigileo. It is becoming hard to find yourself in the pursuit of FASA, an MBA, accredited fellowships, master’s degrees, and doctorates, all to the fine tune between Hippocratic oath and Uber rides during interview season, or the latest PGA. Karma and meditation, curing the loneliness of generational changes, lost between any personal spaces or the new office space, filled with glorious memories and triumphant new expectations, those of the ramparts often looked down from by seasoned sea wolves, accustomed to storms and famine. Cogito, ergo… therefore I am, yet I am and I, therefore, know: such a question is probably more nebulous than the propofol in an IV tubing or the CSF in a glass syringe, swirling in my thoughts. A smile (can’t be escaped nitrous) shines, maybe jokes (unlikely) or my funny accent to the latest patient, who keeps guessing the wrong nationality.
To be or not to be, for now, sir/ma’am, it does not matter, the only quite certain probability is the loss of consciousness (desired), with semi-absolute and semi-quantic certain amnesia, a durable warranty to any future litigation. Well assuming, diligent vigilance will also preserve organ functions and avoid several ischemic complications.
In the end, it may seem an interesting profession, remarkable to few and unknown to the majority—other than margarita dispensers (Texas), bourbon (Midwest), and Napa Valley wine (guess where?). Well, it is what is ladies and gentlemen, but whatever we are, whatever we think to know, it is compelling that with honest joy, anesthesiologists we became, but most certainly first were born.