Scott E. Kercheville, M.D.
ASA District Director, District 19 Texas
San Antonio, TX
Continuation of Annual Report - December 2020
The Second Session of the House of Delegates at Anesthesiology 2020 was reconvened virtually on December 13th, beginning a little late, shortly after 4 PM.
The Western Caucus had a third meeting on Tuesday, December 9th at 7:00 PM and was hosted again by the California component. Dr. Crystal Wright, Alt. Director, TX served as Chair with Dr. Brian Mitchell (Alt. Director, OR) serving as Vice-Chair and Dr. Johnathan Pregler (Director, CA) was the recording Secretary. The members reviewed reports from the Professional Affairs, Scientific Affairs and Finance Reference Committees. Dr. Patrick Giam, Vice Speaker, TX briefed the members on proposed Rules of Order for this unusual session (delayed and virtual).
Dr. Beverly K. Philip, ASA President (MA) reconvened the meeting with a brief recounting of the prior session and the issues surrounding the need for a second Session. Dr. Ronald Harter, Speaker of the House (OH) discussed the proposed amended Rules of Order for the session, approved once Dr. Kraig De Lanzac, Assistant Secretary (LA), verified the presence of a quorum. The online platform was simplified and changed to avoid delays in speaking from the “floor,” and several test votes were performed to validate results.
The House’s official business began at 4:58 PM with approval of the Consent Calendar that was sent to the members before the meeting. The Professional Affairs Reference Committee report was left pending during the last session. But at the President’s suggestion, the Scientific Affairs and Finance Committee reports were moved out of order given the determination that they were less likely to contain any (or significant) concerns. As was presumed, both reports were ultimately approved without any extractions. Following these, the business was returned to the extracted reports from the Professional Affairs Reference Committee.
Items/Reports of Interest:
Professional Affairs:
406 – 1 Committee on Ethics: Annual Report. This amended report was approved by the House to reflect concerns that anesthesiologists be involved in the “clinical management and decision making” in the care of all patients whether personally performed or as part of an anesthesia care team.
411 – 2.5 Committee on Quality Management and Departmental Administration: Annual Report. The updated and amended ASA Statement on Distractions within this report was approved.
411 – 2.7 Committee on Quality Management and Department Administration: Annual Report. The more controversial update ASA Statement on Fatigue was amended and approved after much discussion and editing with the Texas Delegation help.
675 – 1 ASA Member, Linda B. Hertzberg, M.D., FASA, et al.: Proposed Resolution on COVID-19 Pandemic/ASA Addresses the Systemic Life Imbalances Anesthesiologists are Experiencing. The delayed second session caused the proposed dates for the appointment of a “President’s Task Force” to be amended as well as the proposed reporting to the Board of Directors. The request was for the ASA to investigate the impact of the pandemic on ASA members, especially regarding demographics such as gender, location and other factors.
687 – 2 Treasurer: Current Year Budget. Although the report was not extracted, it proposed a budget of over $54 million for 2021, and a projected deficit of only $70,000. This was due in great measure to the ASA staff’s work, the Treasurer and the Assistant Treasurer. It was truly remarkable given the events and impact from the previous year, especially with early projections exceeding more than $3 million.
After completing all business, Dr. Harter turned the meeting back to Dr. Philip, who adjourned the meeting and thanked the members for their time and patience in these unheralded times.
With great sadness, I report that following this meeting and prior to the completion of the report, the TSA Office and leadership were informed of truly tragic news. Unfortunately, as a result of an automobile accident while returning home from a Christmas vacation in late December, Dr. Charles Cowles, TSA Assistant Treasurer, was killed and lost to all of us. Our prayers and grief go out to his wife, children, other family members and friends. He will be sorely missed and was a huge contributor at the TSA and ASA levels. A Charles Cowles Memorial Fund has been created to assist his family during this difficult time.
Director, ASA District 19