Scott E. Kercheville, MD
ASA Director, District 19 Texas
Annual Report – October 2019
Anesthesiology 2019, the Annual Meeting for the American Society of Anesthesiologists was held in Orlando, FL from October 19th to 23rd. There were 12,365 registered attendees, which was down from the previous Annual Meeting in San Francisco in 2018. The majority of members of the Texas Delegation were housed at the Hyatt Regency Orlando, the site of the majority of the Governance activities and adjacent to the Orange County Convention Center, site of the Opening Session and Rovenstine Memorial Lecture
The Annual Meeting began on Saturday with a welcome by Dr. Joy Hawkins, Annual Meeting Oversight Committee (AMOC) Chair (CO) who then introduced Dr. Linda Mason, ASA President (CA). She began with a film commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Apollo landing on the moon which was highly appropriate given the meeting being in Florida and the proximity to the Cape Canaveral launch site. The speaker for the Opening Session was the well-known physician speaker, Dr. Abraham Verghese.
The ASA Delegates and the Alternate Delegates of the TSA met for the Texas Caucus from 1 to 3 PM on Saturday, October 19th at the Hyatt to review the House of Delegates Handbook and discuss the ASA elections. Dr. Scott E. Kercheville served as Director and Dr. Crystal C. Wright served as Alternate Director. The members then broke into sub-groups with the work divided by Reference Committees with Drs. Kristyn Ingram, Bracken Kolle, Russell McAllister and Scott Lindberg chairing these groups.
The members moved onto the Western Caucus at 3:00 PM for further deliberations and discussions. Dr. Wright is the current Secretary of the Western Caucus. But with the impending retirement of Dr. Peter Dunbar (Director, WA) as Caucus Chair, she will be moving up to Vice Chair at the conclusion of this meeting. Dr. Linda Hertzberg (CA) will become Western Caucus Chair at that time.
The entire slate of returning and unopposed officers with the CEO, Paul Pomerantz circulated the Caucus meetings and took questions from the members. Dr. Randall Clark, the sole candidate for 1st Vice President traveled the same circuit individually to make a brief presentation followed by questions as well. The Caucus voted to give its formal endorsement to Dr. Michael Champeau, ASA Treasurer (CA) next year when he seeks the position of 1st Vice President (currently unopposed).
Dr. Mason, President convened the first session of the House of Delegates to order at 8:00 AM on Sunday, October 20th at the Hyatt. Dr. James Kelly (MO), Chair of the ASAPAC presented the final numbers for contributions to the PAC for 2018-19. As expected, the ASAPAC remained the #1 physician PAC and overall contributions again set a new record of $2.81 million with 8,808 member participants with an average national participation at 21.9%. Texas was the “winner” of the Cup with an all-time record of almost $247,000, besting the next closest state by $70,000. Nebraska was “recognized” as well for their participation rate of 49.65%. Dr. John Scott will continue to serve on the ASAPAC Executive Board for the upcoming year.
Per House tradition Dr. Mason turned the meeting over to the Speaker, Dr. Ronald Harter, who then began the normal business of the House including the adoption of the Rules of Order for the 2019 House of Delegates. Consistent with the new procedures implemented by the Speakers, many items of business were not presented at the House of Delegates but were only printed in the Handbook or in the Consent Calendar. The only nomination speech not given from the floor was that of 1st Vice President and there were no seconding speeches. Dr. Kristyn Ingram served as a Teller for both sessions of the HOD.
Dr. Mason then returned to the podium for her Presidential Address. Her speech centered on the eight key steps taken by the AANA during the past year to undermine relationships and create disharmony with our physician members. Most importantly was the misleading advertising campaign, We are the Answer. Dr. Mary Dale Peterson, President-Elect followed with a forceful and succinct speech highlighting her vision and goals for her upcoming term. The Texas Delegation occupied the first four rows front and center and gave her a well-deserved salute.
Dr. Jeffrey Plagenhoef, TX; Chair of the Committee on the DSA submitted the name of Dr. Patricia Kapur for the 2019 ASA Distinguished Service Award. This award will be presented next year in Washington, D. C. just prior to the Rovenstine Lecture.
The following members were nominated for the election scheduled on Wednesday, October 23rd.
President Elect
First Vice President
VP for Scientific Affairs
VP for Professional Affairs
Assistant Treasurer
Assistant Secretary
Vice Speaker
Dr. Beverly K. Philip, MA
Dr. Randall Clark, CO
Dr. Andrew Rosenberg, NY
Dr. Jeffrey Mueller, AZ
Dr. Michael W. Champeau, CA
Dr. Donald Arnold, MO
Dr. Kenneth Elmassian, MI
Dr. Kraig S. de Lanzac, LA
Dr. Ronald L. Harter, OH
Dr. Patrick Y. Giam, TX
The House was recessed at 10:30 AM to resume business on October 23, 2019.
The House was recessed at 10:30 AM to resume business on October 23, 2019.
Later on Sunday, October 19th, the Reference Committees were held from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM also at the Hyatt. Dr. Wright was the Chair of the 2019 Reference Committee on Finance.
On Monday, Dr. Mason presented the 2018 Distinguished Service Award to former ASA President, Dr. Mark Warner (MN). Following that presentation, she introduced the current Surgeon General of the United States and ASA member, Dr. Jerome Adams for the 2019 Rovenstine Memorial Lecture. Dr. Adams is the first anesthesiologist to serve in this important role. As expected, he was very well received and gave a highly informative speech about the state of health care in our country and his experiences to date.
The Texas Delegation met again on Tuesday, October 22nd at 1:00 PM in Caucus to review the recommendations of the Reference Committees and to discuss the upcoming House of Delegates on Wednesday. At the request of Dr. Kercheville, the Caucus finished all work on the Handbook with great efficiency by 2:00 PM and business was adjourned for a Margarita and Mariachi music “Happy Hour” to honor Dr. Peterson. A number of ASA dignitaries including former ASA President Jane Fitch, ASA President Linda Mason, Immediate Past President James Grant and ASA CEO Paul Pomerantz attended to pay tribute and congratulate her.
The Western Caucus began at 3:15 PM. There was the usual Caucus back and forth about the issues within the Handbook and those reports deemed to be most controversial. The review of the HOD materials concluded rapidly and was only interrupted once by the candidates. Dr. Dunbar adjourned the Caucus shortly before 5 PM.
The Speaker, Dr. Harter reconvened the House of Delegates at 8:00 AM on Wednesday, October 23rd.
The Session began with balloting for the DSA. Dr. Kapur received the necessary 2/3 House of Delegates ballots for the Distinguished Service Award. This award will be presented next year.
Election results were as follows:
President Elect
First Vice President
VP for Scientific Affairs
VP for Professional Affairs
Assistant Treasurer
Assistant Secretary
Vice Speaker
Dr. Beverly K. Philip
Dr. Randall Clark
Dr. Andrew Rosenberg
Dr. Jeffrey Mueller
Dr. Michael W. Champeau
Dr. Donald Arnold
Dr. Kenneth Elmassian
Dr. Kraig S. de Lanzac
Dr. Ronald L. Harter
Dr. Patrick Y. Giam
Items/Reports of interest:
Administrative Affairs
357-1 Committee on Anesthesia Care Team: Annual Report. This report revised the statement from the previous year that generated great controversy and discussion at that Meeting. Ultimately, the House voted to reinsert the language dealing with supervision of nurse anesthesia students that affirmed “that the use of unsupervised students is inconsistent with the ASA Guidelines for the Ethical Practice of Anesthesiology“.
Professional Affairs
632-1 New Mexico Society of Anesthesiologists: Annual Report. This report contained a complicated resolution with three parts that asked the ASA to “address the issue of anesthesiologists working in practices with undirected and/or unsupervised NA’s” and for a “re-evaluation of the anesthesia care team definition”. Ultimately, the resolution was referred.
645-1 Texas Society of Anesthesiologists: Annual Report. This report contained a resolution that was passed at the May TSA Board of Directors meeting and then endorsed by the TSA House of Delegates this past September. The resolution requested that the ASA eliminate the term “provider” from all official documents and statements and replace it with “physician”. There were many comments and vigorous support at the Reference Committee. (A copy of the Resolution is published on the next page.)
Scientific Affairs
585-1 Committee on Publications: Annual Report. This report contained the announcement of the retirement of Dr. N. Martin Giesecke as Editor-in-Chief of the ASA Monitor. He was recognized and commended for his service of many years and his contribution to the Society.
With debate becoming less and less common at the House, the completion of business was also shortened so Dr. Harter turned the remainder of the meeting back to Dr. Mason earlier than usual. The Office of the President was then transferred from Dr. Mason to Dr. Mary Dale Peterson as the latest Texan President of the ASA and the second woman President from the Lone Star State (4th overall).
With all activities complete, the House was adjourned at 9:45 AM.
Director, ASA District 19