SEPTEMBER 7-8, 2017
- Recognized and applauded special guests from the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Texas ASA officers, new members of the TSA and TSA Past Presidents.
- Accepted and approved the Minutes of the TSA House of Delegates Meetings of September 8 & 9, 2016, as written.
- Extracted reports 302, 307 and 310. Report 307 was assigned to Reference Committee 1 and Reports 302 and 310 were assigned to Reference Committee 2.
- Assigned Resolution 1 to Reference Committee 2. The Resolution addressed the need for disaster relief aid for members impacted by Hurricane Harvey.
- Recognized Baylor College of Medicine, Baylor Scott & White-Temple, UTHSC-Houston, UT Medical Branch-Galveston and TTHSC-Lubbock for maintaining 100% resident membership in the TSA.
- Recognized Peni W. Sanjoto, MD as the 2017 William H. King Advocacy Award recipient.
- Accepted all items published on the consent calendar for information only.
- Expressed appreciation to the members of the Reference Committees, the TSA President, Speaker, Vice-Speaker, Chris Bacak and Jennifer Bacak.
- Approved Reports 302-District 2 Annual and 310-District 10 Annual as written.
- Revised Report 307, lines 13-14 to read: As of this filing, no Texas Medical Center (TMC) hospitals have taken advantage of the newly passed Texas law whereby MOC cannot be used to determine hospital privileges, except in certain circumstances as permitted by state law.”
- Recognized and applauded the service of District 7 members and all Physician Anesthesiologists of Texas for their efforts to patients, facilities and the communities affected by Hurricane Harvey.
- Approved that an ad-hoc committee of the President’s choice be formed to bring TSA and TAAA together to develop strategies to benefit both organizations and the patients we serve.
- Approved that the TSA House of Delegates approve a dues increase for TSA members from $325 to $400 per year.
- Approved that the TSA build a database of anesthesiologists that hold positions of relevance and influence within Texas government, national government, political and regulatory arenas, and all other areas where we can advocate.
- Received and approved the President’s committee appointments for 2017-2018.
- Recognized and thanked Bonnie Bruce for her service to the Society.
- Recognized and applauded Dr. Debbie Plagenhoef for her service and advocacy in Austin on behalf of the Society.
- Approved that the Bylaws Committee draft bylaw changes that will allow us to align with the ASA Bylaws that provide a vehicle for allowing AAs to join ASA committees.
- Approved that the Education Committee work with the Communications Committee and the Editorial Board to identify and disseminate published evidence that could influence our clinical practice.
- Approved that the Subcommittee on Resident Training creates a work group to develop a forum for residency programs to share Mock Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) cases scenarios and procedures, to determine the feasibility of providing Mock OSCE program at the TSA annual meeting (beginning 2018) held on Saturday of the meeting. There would be no charge for the resident participants and minimal charge to non-resident participant. This group would also facilitate a guest visiting faculty program to help with mock OSCE at local residency program sites.
- Approved that the Subcommittee on Resident Training coordinate with the Education Committee, the GAC, Professional Development Committee, and Practice Management Committee to develop an approach for resident involvement in organized medicine.
- Approved that the Editorial Board works with the Communications Committee to explore the potential publishing and distribution options that would entice our membership towards the TSA Newsletter. Also, I ask the Editorial Board to publish articles that challenge us and stimulate discussion.
- Approved that the Chair of the Long Range Planning Committee, Dr. Joseph Naples, and his members explore areas that need to be modified, which could be achieved by organizing a strategic planning meeting of the TSA leadership.
- Recognized and applauded Chris Bacak and commitment to the Society.
- Recognized and applauded the TSA staff for their service to the Society.
- Approved a one-time budget item of $15,000 to cover office enhancements be added to the budget.
- Recognized and applauded Dr. Margaret “Peggy” Wilson for the work she has done for the Committee and for the years she served as Chair.
- Recognized and applauded Dr. H. A. Tillmann Hein the 2018 Distinguished Service Award recipient.
- Approved that committee chairs and district directors should send content for wider distribution on social media channels to either socialmedia@tsa.org or chris@tsa.org for appropriate placement.
- Referred for consideration, the continuation or discontinuation of the use of a mobile app for the TSA, to the TSA Board of Directors.
- Approved that formal consideration is given to increase current prize money for the Cheers for Research Competition.
- Approved that the presence and scope of the Peer Review Committee be disseminated in the TSA newsletter as a reminder to members as an avenue for redress if they become aware of spurious expert witness testimony.
- Approved the creation of the Texas Society of Anesthesiologists Resident Component (TSARC).
- Approved Resolution recommendation one that the TSA provide individuals affected by Hurricane Harvey an option to receive a dues credit for the 2018 dues cycle.
- Referred to the TSA Board of Directors Resolution recommendation two that the TSA establish a $200 grant available to residents who were affected by Hurricane Harvey. The grant award will be decided by a committee established by the President or designee and will award the grant based on need.
- Approved Resolution recommendation three that the TSA President appoint an ad-hoc committee to explore charitable efforts of the TSA to its members. This committee should report back to the president the type(s) of support desired (if any) and the fiscal impact to the organization. The committee should also report if such efforts conflict with the bylaws, mission statement and charter of the TSA.
- Informed members that TSA members with personal needs, family needs, or needs related to their practices should be referred to organizations such as the benevolence fund of the Texas Medical Association, the American Society of Anesthesiologists, the American Medical Association, or other charity.
- Elected the following:
- President-Elect G. Ray Callas
- Secretary David E. Bryant
- Treasurer Evan G. Pivalizza
- Assistant Treasurer George W. Williams
- ASA Delegates:
- Place 1 David C. Powell
- Place 2 N. Martin Giesecke
- Place 6 Jeffrey M. Jekot
- Place 10 J. Scott Holliday
- Place 13 John S. Scott, Jr.
- Place 14 David W. Mercier
- Place 16 Thomas H. Swygert
- Place 18 David E. Bryant
- Place 19 Gregory M. Kronberg
- Place 22 Deborah L. Plagenhoef
- Place 23 Sherif Z. Zaafran
- Place 25 Carin A. Hagberg
- Place 26 Udaya B. Padakandla
- Place 27 Thomas J. Oliverson
- Place 28 George W. Williams
- ASA Alternate Delegates:
- Place 1 Brad G. Butler
- Place 2 Vincent G. Nelson
- Place 3 Bracken S. Kolle
- Place 4 G. Ray Callas
- Place 5 Laura I. Dew
- Place 6 Russell K. McAllister
- Place 7 David C. Mackey
- Place 8 Kristina L. Goff
- Place 9 Vijaya Gottumukkala
- Place 10 C. Nicholas Lee
- Place 11 Sam D. Gumbert
- Place 12 Michael R. Hicks
- Place 13 Daneshvari R. Solanki
- Place 14 Mary Ann Gurkowski
- Place 15 Joe F. Bryan, II
- Place 16 Benjamin D. Harvey
- Place 17 Anthony Han
- Place 18 Charles E. Cowles
- Place 19 Vijay Saluja
- Place 20 Vishal Raizada
- Place 21 Scott A. Lindberg
- Place 22 Thomas F. Rahlfs
- Place 23 Ramy Mankarious
- Place 24 Elizabeth Rebello
- Place 25 Jeremie J. Perry
- Place 26 Don J. Daniels
- Place 27 Anna M. Allred
- Place 28 Kristyn B. Ingram
- Approved the 2018 Annual Budget as amended.