ASA Director Annual Report - October 2017

Scott E. Kercheville, MD
ASA Director
Anesthesiology 2017 the Annual Meeting for the American Society of Anesthesiologists was held in Boston, MA from October 21st-25th. There were more than 13,000 registered attendees, which represented a slight decrease from those attending the Annual Meeting in Chicago in 2016. It should be noted that the last time the Annual Meeting was in Boston was more than 40 years ago. The Texas Delegation was housed at the Westin Boston Bayfront, the principal hotel adjacent to Boston Convention and Exhibition Center.
The meeting officially began with the Opening Session early Saturday morning featuring Dr. Atul Gawande, the noted author and medical thinker. As in the past, his talk was thought provoking and challenged many of our fixed ideas on medical care and health care delivery.
The ASA Delegates and Alternate Delegates of the TSA met for the Texas Caucus from 1:00 to 3:00 PM on Saturday, October 21st at the Westin to review the House of Delegates (HOD) Handbook and discuss the upcoming elections. Dr. Scott E. Kercheville served as Director and Dr. Crystal Wright served as Alternate Director. The members then broke into sub-groups with the work divided by Reference Committees and with Drs. C. Nicholas Lee, Lynn Knox, Udaya Padakandla and George Williams chairing these groups.
The members moved onto the Western Caucus at 3:15 PM for further deliberations and discussions. Dr. Kercheville served as Chair of the Western Caucus. Dr. Peter Dunbar, WA served as Caucus Vice Chair and Dr. Linda Hertzberg, CA as the Secretary. The first order of business was the Caucus Endorsement of Dr. Jeffrey Kirsch of WA for the 2018 run for VP of Scientific Affairs. Dr. Kirsch gave brief remarks and after answering a few questions, the members proceeded with the vote. He received the necessary 2/3 majority for full endorsement next year.
As per routine, those members of the Caucus selected by the ASA President to serve on Reference Committees presented the HOD handbook reports for discussion. These were discussed in the order of Administrative, Professional, Scientific and Finance. Discussions were punctuated first by the candidates’ visits of the majority of those who were running for the same office or those moving up in sequence.
Another break in the discussions was for the more recent tradition of the ASA President and CEO visiting in tandem to discuss recent activities and accomplishments with the organization. Mr. Pomerantz concentrated most of his talk on updates to the webpage and the new “ASA Digital Strategy” as a part of that and our efforts to market the society and our members in changing times.
Dr. Jeff Plagenhoef, ASA President convened the first session of the House of Delegates to order at 8:00 AM on Sunday, October 22 at the Boston Convention Center. Dr. Thomas Swygert, former TSA President and ASA Delegate gave the benediction. In what has become our regular tradition at the Annual Meeting, Dr. Plagenhoef recognized the anesthesiologist leaders of national and worldwide anesthesia organizations and ASA Past Presidents in attendance.
He then presented the winners of the Resident’s Research Essay Contest and recognized the FAER Resident Scholars in the audience. Dr.Craig de Lanzac, LA; Chair on Committee on Communications presented the Philip S. Weintraub Media Awards. This year two of the three recipients covered the highly important issue of sedation in dental offices and children dying while undergoing dental procedures outside of hospitals or ambulatory centers.
Dr. Mark Brady, KS; Chair of the ASAPAC presented the final numbers for contributions to the PAC for 2016-17 Once again, the ASAPAC is the #1 physician PAC for the 8th year in a row and overall contributions were up to $2.1 million which was approximately $250 thousand more than the previous year. The state with the largest total contributions was Florida; Texas finished 2nd in total contributions with just under $134,000. Each and every Anesthesiologist Assistant training program in the US had a 100% participation rate.
There are 34 residency programs in the country with 100% participation rate but, regrettably, only one program in Texas; Texas A&M / Scott & White Medical Center is the only Texas program this year. Continuing the long tradition of Texas members serving on the ASAPAC Executive Board, Dr. John Scott was appointed this year for a three-year term.
Dr. Plagenhoef turned the meeting over to the Speaker, Dr. Ronald Harter at 9:00 AM; who then began the normal business of the House including the adoption of the Rules of Order for the 2017 House of Delegates and approval of the Minutes. Dr. Kristyn Ingram served as a Teller for this and the 2nd sessions of the HOD.
Dr. Plagenhoef then returned to the podium for his Presidential Address. His address continued his yearlong plea (order) for members to stand up for the specialty and bring more members into the fold. “Our issues are too important” for members to stand on the sidelines or to allow members to be “leaches on efforts of those who get it”. While commending the success of the recent VHA Nursing Handbook issue, he reminded the members that the issue of scope expansion via the APRN Consensus Model will continue and we must be ready on all fronts.
Dr. James Grant followed with his address that concentrated on his vision and strategic plan, Team 535 for the organization. He has worked to hone our mission statement and our “values” proposals as a specialty. There are plans underway in conjunction with outgoing President, Dr. Plagenhoef to convene a strategic ideas summit in the near future with interested stakeholders but not the “usual suspects”. Details to follow!
Dr. J.P. Abenstein; Chair of the Committee on the DSA submitted the name of Dr. Jerry Cohen for the 2017 ASA Distinguished Service Award. Per tradition, this award will be presented next year in San Francisco just prior to the Rovenstine Lecture.
The following members were nominated for the election scheduled on Wednesday, October 25th.
- President Elect
Dr. Linda J. Mason, CA
- First Vice-President
Dr. Mary Dale Peterson, TX
- VP for Scientific Affairs
Dr. Beverly K. Phillip, MA
- VP for Professional Affairs
Dr. Stanley W. Stead, CA
- Treasurer
Dr. Michael W. Champeau, CA
- Assistant Treasurer
Dr. Donald E. Arnold, MO
- Secretary
Dr. John F. Dombrowski, DC
- Assistant Secretary
Dr. Kenneth Elmassian, MI
- Speaker
Dr. Ronald L. Harter, OH
- Vice-Speaker
Dr. Patrick Y. Giam, TX
Dr. Wright seconded the nomination for Dr. Peterson. Dr. Peterson’s acceptance speech detailed her goals and plans for the Society as she moves up towards becoming ASA President. She also detailed a heart-warming story of a resident in Houston who received funds from the Anesthesia Foundation to assist after losses incurred with Hurricane Harvey. Dr. Amr Abouleish seconded the nomination of Dr. Stan Stead for VP for Professional Affairs.
The House was recessed at 11:15 AM to resume business on October 25, 2017.
Later on Sunday, October 22nd, Reference Committees were held from 1:15 to 3:00 PM also at the Westin Bayfront.
Dr. George Williams served on the Reference Committee on Professional Affairs and Dr. Elizabeth Rebello served on the Reference Committee on Finance.
On Monday, October 23rd the ASA Distinguished Service Award for 2016 was presented to Dr. Norman Cohen for his prior and ongoing service to our society and our members. Dr. Lee Fleisher presented a detailed history of “quality measurement” for the 2017 Rovenstine Lecture.
On Monday evening there was the annual Presidents’ Reception at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library honoring outgoing President Plagenhoef and incoming President Dr. James Grant.
The Texas Delegation met again on Tuesday, October 24th at 1:00 PM in Caucus to review the recommendations of the Reference Committees and to discuss the upcoming House of Delegates on Wednesday. Given the move by the Regional Caucus Chairs to eliminate Caucus Candidate Receptions, Dr. Kercheville organized an in-house salute and toast to our next ASA President, Dr. Peterson (2019-20) just prior to the Caucus adjourning at 2:30 PM.
Dr. Kercheville, Caucus Chair reconvened the Western Caucus at 3:00 PM. All of the Reference Committee reports were discussed and the Caucus did vote as a whole to NOT support raising dues for residents from $25 per year to $50 (Report 300-2 AA).
Following a second Caucus Endorsement vote for Dr. Jeffrey Mueller for his candidacy for VP of Professional Affairs in 2018, Dr. Dunbar, Chair of Caucus Candidates Committee discussed the role and goals of the Committee in promoting future Western Caucus members for ASA officers. Dr. Mueller received overwhelming support for his race and likewise will be endorsed next year by the Caucus.
The review of the HOD materials proceeded in the usual order and was interrupted twice for the 2 candidates seeking new offices for next year. As expected, Dr. Peterson was warmly received and the Caucus adjourned on time at 5:00 PM.
The Speaker, Dr. Ron Harter reconvened the House of Delegates at 8:00 AM on Wednesday, October 25th.
The Session began with balloting for the DSA. Dr. Cohen received the necessary 2/3 House of Delegates ballots for the Distinguished Service Award. This award will be presented next year in San Francisco.
Election results were as follows:
- President Elect
Dr. Linda J. Mason, CA
- First Vice-President
Dr. Mary Dale Peterson, TX
- VP for Scientific Affairs
Dr. Beverly K. Phillip, MA
- VP for Professional Affairs
Dr. Stanley W. Stead, CA
- Treasurer
Dr. Michael W. Champeau, CA
- Assistant Treasurer
Dr. Donald E. Arnold, MO
- Secretary
Dr. John F. Dombrowski, DC
- Assistant Secretary
Dr. Kenneth Elmassian, MI
- Speaker
Dr. Ronald L. Harter, OH
- Vice-Speaker
Dr. Patrick Y. Giam, TX
Items/Reports of interest:
Administrative Affairs—there was only one extraction at the HOD.
300-2 Administrative Council: Annual Report. The most contentious issue of the entire meeting contained a recommendation to raise ASA dues for resident members from $25 to $50. There was extensive discussion and debate regarding resident debt, discouraging membership and increasing “skin in the game” but ultimately the members voted to raise the dues to $30 per year.
320-1 President Elect: Annual Report. Continuing the tradition of recognizing Texas leadership potential, six Texans will be chairing committees of the ASA for the upcoming year (one chairing 2 different committees) and there are more Texans serving on committees than can be counted!
Educational Track Subcommittee on Professional Issues: Dr. Elizabeth Rebello
Committee on Newsletter: Dr. N. Martin Giesecke
Committee on Professional Diversity: Dr. Elizabeth Rebello
Committee on Specialty Societies: Dr. Amr E. Abouleish
Committee on Transplant: Dr. Evan Pivalizza
Committee on Trauma & Emergency Preparedness: Dr. Carin Hagberg
Committee on Critical Care Medicine: Dr. George Williams
Professional Affairs—there were no extractions at the HOD.
409-2 Committee on Standards and Practice Parameters: Annual Report, Supplemental. This report contained the very important first update of the Practice Guidelines for Moderate Procedural Sedation and Analgesia for Non-Anesthesiologists. It was unique in that it represented a collaboration of the ASA with a number of other specialty societies whose members routinely perform procedural sedation. It passed with little discussion at the Reference Committee.
411-3 Committee on Quality Management and Departmental Administration: Annual Report. This report contained the Statement on Sedation and Anesthesia in Dental Office-Based Settings that a number of Texas and Western Caucus members were participant authors. It passed and hopefully, will become a resource for our members working with dentists and serve as guide for patient safety..
Scientific Affairs—there were no extractions at the HOD.
Finance—there were no extractions at the HOD.
With the completion of business of the House by 9:00 AM, Dr. Sween turned the remainder of the business back to Dr. Plagenhoef. The Office of the President was transferred from Dr. Plagenhoef to Dr. James Grant as the 100th President of the ASA.
With all activities complete, the House was adjourned at 9:05 AM. (Possibly the shortest HOD in history.)