May 05, 2024

  1. Recognized Dr. Vijaya Gottumukkala with applause and a standing ovation for his service as the TSA Education Committee Chair and the excellent programs he has overseen.
  2. Abouleish informed the Board that he does not expect the TSA staff to respond to emails after hours and requested that the members follow these expectations.
  3. Introduced the new TSA Resident Component Chair Dr. Shannon Paquette and Vice Chair Dr. Zoe Brown.
  4. Tabled recommendations presented by the TSA Financial Advisory Committee.
  5. Approved revised recommendations from the TSA Financial Advisory Committee to empower the Executive Committee to make necessary withdrawals from the reserves, that the chair of the Financial Advisory Committee be notified of plans to withdraw from the reserve account, and to consider a temporary CFO consultant to assist with the analysis of the current and future budgets.
  6. Charged the Resident and Medical Student Education Committee with reviewing the support provided by the TSA to residents and how the TSA can provide more with equity.
  7. Charged all committee chairs with reviewing the TSA Bylaws relevant to their committee and presenting any relevant changes to the Board in February. In addition,  any reorganization proposals for large committees should also be presented.
  8. Announced that with the exception of the Ad-Hoc Committee for the ASA 2025 Reception all ad-hoc committees will sunset.
  9. Recognized Dr. Kristina Goff with applause for her service as Director for District 9.
  10. Appointed Dr. Austin Street as the new District 9 Director.
  11. Appointed an ad-hoc committee to develop procedure for the Judicial Committee to use when addressing harassment issues.
  12. Approved motion to not proceed with creating a Texas Journal of Anesthesiology.
  13. Referred to the Practice Management Committee District 5’s recommendation that a committee of the President’s choice be charged to investigate retirement easing models that work for groups and make a report available to anesthesiology groups in Texas that would like the information.
  14. Requested that the Chairs of the TSA Members Serving the TMA Committee forward District 5’s recommendation that the TSA advocates for increased GME funding for anesthesiology residency slot in Texas, to Drs. David Mackey and Evan Pivalizza who serve on the TMA Council on Medical Education for consideration.
  15. Appointed an ad-hoc committee to create a method for TSA to recognize anesthesiology groups that support and have policies aligned with the ASA Statement on Fundamentals of a Safe and Healthy Workplace for Anesthesiologists.
  16. Appointed Drs. Chelsea Casey and Jessica Rochkind to chair an ad-hoc committee for developing the “Train the Trainer” Session for Peer-to-Peer Support. The session will be offered at the 2025 TSA Annual Meeting.
  17. Requested that TSA Treasurer Dr. Nick Lee study the option of offering members the opportunity to pay their TSA dues on a monthly basis.
  18. Requested that the chairs of the GAC and the GAC Resident Involvement Committee notify their resident members that the TSA will provide support for them to attend TSA Anesthesiologists Days at the Capitol.
  19. Charged Dr. Niklas Glenesk Chair of the GAC Resident Involvement Committee, with developing a way for individual anesthesiologists and anesthesiology groups/companies to sponsor residents to attend TSA Anesthesiologists Days at the Capitol.
  20. Reminded committee chairs to submit their reports in January 2025. The reports should include their work plan for the year.
  21. Recognized Dr. Joe Bryan with applause for his service as chair of the Credentials Committee.
  22. Announced that Dr. James Fay will be the new chair of the Credentials Committee.
  23. Approved the motion that all committees with fiscal notes will look at their expenditures and determine what is actually necessary.
  24. Approved that the TSAPAC purchase QR readers for its annual meeting booth.
  25. Applauded Dr. Kristyn Ingram for her efforts in the development of the new logo.
  26. Recognized with applause Christina Bacak, Judy Garcia-Bigger, Jessica Shepherd, Claire Foster, Elizabeth Farley and Jasmine Owen for doing everything that is asked of them in addition to their own assigned duties.
  27. Recognized Dr. Jaime Ortiz as the new chair of the Communications Committee.
  28. Announced that Dr. Chris Cook is the new Economics Committee Chair.
  29. Recognized the greatness of the TSA Newsletter series “On the Shoulders of Giants ”.
  30. Announced Dr. Michael Hofkamp is the new chair of the Education Committee.
  31. Transitioned the Education Sub-Committee on Research to the Special Committee on the START Grant.
  32. Approved motion that for the next two board meetings, hotel and travel will not be covered for nonresident board members.