Proposed Bylaws Changes

The TSA Bylaws Committee will be submitting the following proposed additions and revisions to the TSA House of Delegates in September.


9.200 TSA Meeting Organizing Committee

9.2001 Composition:

Vice Chair
Second Vice Chair
Immediate Past Chair
President Elect
Chair of the Education Committee
Member of the Governmental Affairs Committee
Chair of the Committee on Resident and Medical Student Education
Member of the Long Range Planning Committee
Chair of the Resident Component
Three Members at Large
Ex Officio:
Immediate Past President
Speaker of the House
Vice Speaker of the House
Assistant Treasurer
Executive Director
Director of Governmental Affairs
TSA Social Media Associate
TSA Executive Associates
9.2002 Duties of the TSA Meeting Organization Committee: The committee will be responsible for every element of the Annual meeting, including but not exclusive to meeting planning, fiscal oversight and quality improvement. The committee shall maintain an Administrative Procedures document that details responsibilities and oversight for each of these elements of the annual meeting as well as the overall function of the committee. Changes to this Administrative Procedures document will be presented to the board at its next meeting whenever they are made. The annual report of the Committee will include meeting locations and dates for at minimum the next two Annual Meetings. The annual report will also include a summary of the prior year’s Annual Meeting financials as well as a pro-forma for the current year’s and subsequent year’s Annual Meeting budget. The Chair of the TSA Meetings Organization Committee shall update the President immediately should the projected budget for a specific meeting alter by more than 25,000 dollars.

9.2003 Duties of the TSA Staff: The Executive Director and the Society staff shall assist in all aspects of the Society’s meetings at the direction of the Chair of the TSA Meeting Organization Committee.


9.222 Practice Management Committee

9.2221 Composition: 5 or more members, at least two of whom were members during the previous year.

9.2222 Duties: To solicit and review input from TSA members regarding contemporary practice management issues relevant to members. To make recommendations to the Board of Directors on plans of action deemed appropriate regarding these issues.


Article 6 Board of Directors – Section 6.200 General Powers – Sub sections 6.2003, 6.2004 and 6.2005

6.200 General Powers

The Board of Directors shall have:

6.2001 The power to acquire, manage, control and dispose of the Society’s property and to authorize all contracts on behalf of the Society;

6.2002 The power to delegate such authority to the officers of the Society or to the standing committees of the Society;

6.2003 The power to institute, with the approval of the House of Delegates, such administrative procedures as it deems necessary; and

6.2004 The power to make public statements on behalf of the Society; and

6.2005 Such other authority as prescribed for it in these Bylaws.


Article 6 Board of Directors – Section 6.3 Meetings – Sub section 6.33

6.33 Voting Members

Each member of the Board shall have one vote. except the Chair of the Editorial Board and the Vice Speaker who shall be members without vote. Ex-Officio members shall not be entitled to a vote.


Article 6 Board of Directors – Section 6.4 Executive Committee – Sub section 6.41

6.41 Composition

The Executive Committee is composed of: the President, the Immediate Past-President, the President-Elect, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Assistant Treasurer, the Speaker, and the Director representing the 19th District of the American Society of Anesthesiologists.


Article 9 Committees – Section 9.3 Special Committees

9.3 Special Committees

Special Committees of this Society may be appointed by the President for specific purposes during his or her term of office.
Provided, however, that such Special committees may not be given assignments conflicting with or duplicating the functions of any standing committee.

An Ad-Hoc Committees will be a special committee appointed by the President for an assignment that has an indeterminant conclusion. Ad-Hoc committees will automatically dissolve at the conclusion of the term of the President creating them unless they are specifically given continuance by the next President before the conclusion of the first Board of Director’s meeting of his term.

Taskforce will be a special committee appointed by the President that will exist until its specific charge has been completed. This charge may transcend the term of the President appointing it. A Taskforce may be dissolved by the President at any time prior to the completion of its charge. A Taskforce will automatically dissolve upon the completion of its charge.

Sub-committee will be a special committee convened to support the work of a standing committee. Sub-committee’s may be dissolved at any time by the President, but otherwise will continue to exist beyond the term of a President. Members of a sub-committee may be appointed by the President or Chair of the Standing Committee under which they exist.