Summary of Actions
TSA Board of Directors
January 14, 2017

  1. Elected Crystal C. Wright, MD to the office of ASA Alternate Director District 19.
  2. Noted that the TSA will need to budget $5,000 annually to maintain the Laserfiche software required for digitizing the membership files.
  3. Informed the members that the furniture in the TSA office will be replaced in the next couple of months.
  4. Reported that salary increases for the two TSA Administrative Assistants took effect in December. Other staff salaries will be reviewed within a few weeks.
  5. Introduced Michelle Wittenburg, part time assistant to the TSA Lobby Team.
  6. Approved motion to proceed with contracts for the TSA 2020 and 2021 Annual Meetings with the JW Marriott in San Antonio, TX.
  7. Received a description of the Transition to Practice Program that is scheduled to be held annually in conjunction with the TSA Annual Meeting. This year the program will take place on Sunday, September 10, 2017 from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
  8. Received updates from the Governmental Affairs Committee on key issues the Society is addressing. Issues included: Out-of-Network Billing/Balance Billing, Medicaid payment cuts, Scope of Practice, Legislative Sunset, Dental Anesthesia, AA Licensure, Anesthesiologists Days (February 27th-28th) and CPR Training (March 29th).
  9. Designated funds from the Governmental Affairs budget line for the Diamond Club Reception scheduled for February 27th.
  10. Announced appointment of Sherif Z. Zaafran, MD as the President of the Texas Medical Board.
  11. Stressed the importance of TSA continuing its sponsorship of the Texas Public Policy Foundation Annual Orientation Conference.
  12. Received information regarding the two day session on quality education to be held at TexMed this year.
  13. Recognized Charles E. Cowles, Jr., MD for his volunteer work with Homeland Security.
  14. Received updates from the Ad-Hoc Committee to Develop Strategy in Addressing Encroachments on Practice Decisions by Hospital Systems and the Ad-Hoc Committee on a Resident Component to the TSA.
  15. Requested artwork suggestions for the new TSAPAC booth.
  16. Informed the Board that Mary Dale Peterson, MD will be running uncontested for the office of ASA 1st Vice President.
  17. Noted Jane Fitch, MD will be presenting the Betty P. Stephenson Lectureship at this year’s TSA Annual Meeting.
  18. Approved motion to send a TSA member annually to the Army Medical Corp Annual Meeting in San Antonio. Paradise General: Riding the Surge at a Combat Hospital in Iraq by Dave Hnida, MD was suggested for anyone interested in obtaining an understanding of the insight of a combat support hospital.
  19. Approved a potential transfer of up to $100,000.00 in 2017 from the restricted funds.
  20. Approved increase of TSA annual membership dues to $400 for active members and $200 for both affiliate and educational members, effective January 1, 2018.
  21. Charged Evan G. Pivalizza, MD with developing a statement to establish annual dues increases based on cost of living increases and report back to the Board in May.
  22. Asked members to discuss the possibility of an Alliance with their spouses and return with suggestions to the Board in May 2017.
  23. Acknowledged importance of continuing resident advocacy dinners.