Spring 2014 Newsletter

A two-level standard of anesthesia services would not meet requirements established by the
regulations. An opinion by a Houston lawyer indicates that this analysis may also apply to
ambulatory surgery centers.

  1. Charged Drs. Deborah Plagenhoef and Girish Joshi with reviewing the language in both the TSA Fiscal
    Management Policy and the TSA Investment Policy Statement and submitting proposed revisions to
    the Board for review.
  2. Approved motion to renew Mike Toomey’s contract in September 2014. The Board will review again at
    its 2015 winter meeting.
  3. Informed the Board that Dr. David Gloyna will have an operational document outlining the issue of
    non-members attendance, at the TSA House of Delegates and Reference Committees, finalized by the
    May 2014 Board meeting.
  4. Approved Board of Directors Minutes of September 8, 2013.
  5. Revised format for District Director reports.
  6. Approved geographical identifier’s for TSA Districts as follows:
    • District 1: Panhandle/West Texas
    • District 2: Fort Worth (Cow Town)/North Texas
    • District 3: Central Texas/The Hill Country
    • District 4: San Antonio (The Alamo City)/South Texas (The Brush Country)
    • District 5: Gulf Coast/Rio Grand Valley (The Hurricane Magnet)
    • District 6: (The Historic) Brazos Valley
    • District 7: Houston Texas Medical Center
    • District 8: Metro Houston
    • District 9: (Big D) Dallas West
    • District 10: (Big D) Dallas East
    • District 11: Piney Woods/NE Texas


Photography, Painting, Sculpture (e.g. basket weaving), and Literary Compositions will be accepted.
All entries will be displayed at the 2014 TSA Annual Meeting (security will be provided). If you would
like to participate in the TSA Annual Art Exhibit please contact the TSA for an submission form.
All submission forms should be received no later than August 15, 2014.For more information please
contact the TSA by email at info@tsa.org.


Members are encouraged to submit articles for the July 2014 issue of the TSA Bulletin to the Editor. Articles, letters to the Editor, comments or input for the July issue must be received by May 20, 2014. Please address to the TSA Editor listed below:

Christopher R. Cook, D.O.
c/o Chris Bacak
401 W. 15th Street, Ste. 990
Austin, Texas 78701
Office Phone: (512) 370-1659
Office Email: chris@tsa.org


Committee appointments will begin soon. Contact David F. Gloyna, M.D., TSA President-Elect, if you, or someone you know, is interested in serving on a TSA Committee. Please contact Dr. Gloyna c/o the TSA Office by telephone at (512) 370-1659 or (800) 346-1659, fax (512) 370-1655, or by email at chris@tsa.org.

A list of committees is also available online in the
“Members Only” section of the TSA Website. If you have any questions about a
particular committee, please let us know.