TSA Bylaws


The House of Delegates of this Society is composed of the Officers, all Past-Presidents, Directors, and Delegates of the Texas Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc., the Director and the Alternate Director of ASA District 19, the ASA Delegates and Alternate Delegates, any ASA Officer who is a member of the Society and not otherwise a member of the House of Delegates, and the Chair and Vice-Chair of the TSARC.


The House of Delegates is the primary legislative and governing body of this Society.


The House of Delegates is charged and entrusted with:

5.201    Final authority in all matters except where final authority is specifically delegated elsewhere by these Bylaws;

5.202    Transaction of all business of this Society not specifically otherwise provided for by these Bylaws;

5.203    Final authority in all the business and financial affairs of this Society;

5.204    Power to delegate authority to the officers of this Society or to the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors;

5.205    The duty to make annual appropriations for the expenditures of this Society, after receiving and considering the recommendations of the Board of Directors concerning the annual budget prepared by the Executive Committee;

5.206    Power to amend current appropriations at either an annual meeting or a special meeting;

5.207     Power to transfer all or any part of monies accumulated to any fund, to any other fund, or redistribute any unexpected monies previously allocated to various funds or purposes, by a two ­thirds majority of the delegates seated, at any regular meeting;

5.208    Authority to appoint committees for special purposes, which may be composed of members of this Society who are not members of the House of Delegates;

5.209    Sole authority to elect the officers of this Society at meetings held during the annual meeting, in the manner provided in these Bylaws;

5.210    Sole authority to elect the Director and Alternate Director of ASA District 19;

5.211    Sole authority to elect the Delegates and Alternates Delegates whom this Society is entitled to send to the House of Delegates of the American Society of Anesthesiologists;

5.212    Such other duties as are specified in these Bylaws.


The term “Delegate” as used in this section of the Bylaws is defined as a Delegate, or Alternate Delegate seated in place of the Delegate, as the representative of his or her District in the House of Delegates of this Society.

5.31       Seating 

No Delegate or Alternate Delegate shall be seated in the House of Delegates until his or her credentials have been approved by the Committee on Credentials.

5.32       Substitution 

A Delegate shall serve without substitution at all meetings of the House of Delegates during the annual meeting, unless a substitution is approved by the Committee on Credentials.


The House of Delegates shall meet during each Annual Meeting of the Society at the time and place established by the President, and it may recess from time to time, as it is necessary to complete its business.

5.41       Presiding Officer

The Speaker of the House of Delegates is the presiding officer.

5.42       Quorum

Sixty percent of the voting members of the House of Delegates constitute a quorum.

5.43       Votes

Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws, all questions shall be determined by affirmative vote of not less than a majority of those voting.

5.44       Voting Member

Each Delegate, Director, and officer of this Society shall have one vote, including the Director of ASA District 19 and the Alternate Director of ASA District 19.  The Director and Alternate Director of ASA District 19, the ASA Delegates and Alternate Delegates shall have a vote only if not otherwise entitled to a vote.  Past Presidents and ASA Officers shall not have a vote unless otherwise entitled to a vote.

5.441     Dual Membership 

Should a voting member of the House of Delegates be elected to another voting office in the House of Delegates, the member so elected must choose the voting office that he or she wishes to occupy.  The selection of one office shall constitute a vacation of the other office.

5.45       Order of Business 

The official order of business of meetings of the House of Delegates shall be as outlined in the Rules of Order of this Society.

5.46       Special Meeting

Special meetings may be called by the President, with the approval of the Board of Directors.

Written notice of the time and place of a special meeting shall be mailed to each member of the House of Delegates at least thirty days prior to such meeting.


The officers of this Society shall be elected by the House of Delegates in the following manner:

5.51       Nominations 

Nominations for all officers are made by the Nominating Committee and additional nominations for all officers may be made from the floor of the House of Delegates.

5.52       Voting 

Election of officers shall be by secret ballot unless a single candidate is nominated, in which case the vote may be taken viva voce.

5.53       Election

A majority of the votes cast shall be necessary to elect.  If on any ballot no nominee shall receive a majority of the votes cast, the two candidates receiving the largest number of votes shall be placed on a ballot for a run-off.


A summary of the proceedings of each meeting of the House of Delegates as provided by the Secretary shall be published in the Bulletin, or by other means approved by the Board of Directors of this Society.