Summary of Actions TSA BOARD OF DIRECTORS May 1, 2016
- Recognized Dr. Joseph P. Annis, MD as the recipient of the TMA Distinguished Service Award (DSA). Dr. Annis is the second anesthesiologist to receive the TMA DSA. Dr. Betty P. Stephenson was the first.
- Announced on February 17th the TSA provided CPR Anytime Training to 71 legislators and their staff at the State Capitol and on April 10th, 84 members attended the 9th Anesthesiologists Day at the Capitol.
- Informed the members the TSA has renewed its lease in the Texas Medical Association Building for another 5 years.
- Reported Dr. George W. Williams has agreed to Chair the Ad-Hoc Committee on a Resident Component to the TSA; other members of the Committee are: Drs. Russell K. McAllister, S. Lynn Knox, and Sherif Z. Zaafran.
- Approved motion to sponsor 2 tables at this year’s ASA Gala, the logistics of how the seats will be awarded, sold, or assigned is to be determined. The TSAPAC Capitol Club members will receive preferential treatment. The ASA Gala supports the Foundation of Anesthesia Education Research (FAER), Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation (APSF), the Wood Library and LifeBox.
- Approved funding up to $2,500 for the 1st Annual Women in Anesthesia Seminar to be held at this year’s TSA Annual Meeting on Friday morning at 7:00 a.m. Dr. Margaret Ann Wilson will be the 2016 Key Note Speaker.
- Re-appointed Dr. Evan G. Pivalizza as the TSA Delegate and Dr. Charles E. Cowles, Jr. as the Alternate Delegate to the TMA Interspecialty Society Committee.
- Recognized Drs. Pivalizza and Cowles for their service to the TMA Interspecialty Society Committee.
- Approved motion to proceed with a contract between the Hyatt Lost Pines and the TSA for the 2019 TSA Annual Meeting.
- Charged Drs. Sherif Zaafran and Deborah Plagenhoef and Bonnie Bruce, Jaime Capelo and Chris Bacak with selecting dates for the 2017 CPR Training and Anesthesiologists Days.
- Approved without fiscal note information the Governmental Affairs Committee’s (GAC) recommendation for a request to the ASA to commission Dr. Art Laffer as an economist to review the effect on a market if a government sets prices for health care at either a weighted average payment, a percentile of Fair Health, or a proprietary contract rate to which they do not have access. The GAC will obtain the necessary information to commission Dr. Laffer. Once the information is obtained the TSA will pursue the ASA to cover the cost or provide the information to the TSA Executive Committee for consideration.
- Approved motion to increase the TSA’s annual sponsorship level to the Texas Public Policy Foundation to $10,000.
- Approved motion to allow the TSAPAC to purchase TSA Annual Meeting waivers, at a twenty percent (20%) discount.
- Announced that Joe Straus, Texas Speaker of the House will present the Betty P. Stephenson Lectureship at this year’s TSA Annual Meeting.
- Informed the Board that Dr. Patrick Y. Giam is a candidate for the office of ASA Vice-Speaker of the House.