The next step in fraud prevention in Texas is requiring widespread utilization of electronic prescriptions for controlled substances (EPCS) allowing pharmacies to receive, dispense, and archive electronic prescriptions. This regulation would supplement, not replace, existing rules. The Texas Pain Society is leading efforts to achieve this in Texas, and in the interim, is recommending state-issued serialized, barcoded prescription pads.
Without expert advice and comment, well-intentioned legislative activity could also be injurious to physicians. A recently proposed bill in Oklahoma included a provision that could have allowed the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs to fine physicians $2,000/prescription for failing to check the online Prescription Monitoring Program. In effect, this would punish physicians again for the fraud being committed and fortunately, was not allowed a hearing in the OK House public health committee.
Stay tuned for further developments and sign into the Prescription Access Texas site to check your own prescription history. For further information, contact the Texas Pain Society (info@texaspain.org).