Volume 25, Issue 2


Scott E. Kercheville, MD
ASA Director

The 2013 March Interim Meeting of the ASA Board of Directors convened on March 2nd at the Hotel Intercontinental O’Hare in Chicago. The Texas Delegation included Drs. John M. Zerwas, Mary Dale Peterson, Scott E. Kercheville, Patrick Y. Giam, Catherine L. Scholl, N. Martin Giesecke and Jaideep H. Mehta.

Dr. Mark A. Singleton (California), Caucus Chair, called the Western Caucus meeting to order on Saturday, March 2, 2013 at 7:00 a.m. Dr. Scott Kercheville served as Vice-Chair.

Directors of Arizona, Oregon and Colorado discussed the current problems in their respective states with payments and changes regarding Medicaid. There were generalized concerns by almost all members with the upcoming ACA mandated Medicaid expansions and changes to payments with proposed “bundled payment” models. Dr. Charles K. Anderson (Oregon) announced there would be a Western Caucus Candidates Committee meeting in the afternoon. Candidates for election from the Western Caucus are Dr. Mary Dale Peterson for re-election to Assistant Treasurer, Dr. Linda J. Mason (California) for re-election to Secretary and Dr. Norman A. Cohen (Oregon) for re-election to VP for Professional Affairs.

The remainder of the meeting consisted of discussion of upcoming reports in the Board packet with concentration on those anticipated to be most contentious.

The Caucus adjourned at 8:45 a.m. for an Educational Session for those attending this meeting. Dr. Zerwas, ASA President began this session with a brief “reeducation” for Board Members on fiduciary duties, conflicts of interest and anti-trust commitment by the members.

He introduced Dr. James D. Grant, Treasurer, who presented the financial implications (costs) of the proposed actions items in the various reports before the Board at this meeting.

Dr. Jane C. K. Fitch, President-Elect gave an update on the ASA Strategic Plan. Her presentation included the results of a recent survey of Board Members that detailed the “Top 10 Strategies of Board Members”. Interestingly, the two most important and urgent items were:

  • Develop and disseminate new payment models; and
  • Maintain anesthesiologist lead patient care.

These same two items were also selected by the members as some of the most difficult to bring about (least feasible).

Review Committees began at 9:45 a.m. and continued until 1:00 p.m. They consisted of reports from committees under each of the following divisions of the Board of Directors:

  • Committee on Administrative Affairs
  • Committee on Professional Affairs
  • Committee on Scientific Affairs
  • Committee on Finance

After a midday break, a second Education Session was held from 2:30 until 5:00 p.m. and included the following:

  • Dr. Barbara M. Fossum, Interim CEO, gave a recap of her activities since last July within the two ASA Offices and staff changes that have occurred during the transition from the two EVP model to a single CEO run organization (as mandated by the HOD in 2011). Following her presentation, the entire Board gave her a grateful send-off as the ASA prepares for the new permanent CEO, Mr. Paul Pomerantz. He will assume his role on Monday, March 4th of this year.