Volume 25, Issue 2

Priscilla J. Garcia, MD, MHA
Annual Meeting Pediatric
The TSA Annual Meeting at the Hyatt Lost Pines Resort is fast approaching. The third annual Pediatric Track is being held on Friday September 6, 2013. This year’s program includes several diverse sessions. The morning session starts with a discussion on the pediatric airway and concludes with talks on common questions from parents about pediatric anesthesia (topics such as risks of anesthesia and intraoperative awareness). The afternoon session follows with a discussion around specific clinical scenarios (general anesthesia in an ex-preemie and intraoperative hypercarbia), legal issues in pediatric anesthesiology in Texas (Jehovah’s Witness and consent vs. assent in adolescents) and concludes with an “Ask the Experts” panel. To keep your practice up to date in the management of pediatric patients be sure to register for the 2013 TSA Annual Meeting Pediatric Track.
The Society for Pediatric Anesthesiology’s Quality and Safety Committee has recently released their peer reviewed Pediatric Critical Events Checklists. These simple and easy to use checklists cover what to do for treatment of the pediatric patient in critical events such as:

They are available free of charge through a hyperlink on the website for the Society of Pediatric Anesthesiology www.pedsanesthesia.org. Please download and keep handy in your operating room.