VOLUME 29, Issue 1
- Recognized and applauded special guests from the American Society of Anesthesiologists, new members of the TSA and TSA Past Presidents.
- Recognized and applauded Daneshvari R. Solanki, MD as the 2017 TSA Distinguished Service Award recipient.
- Accepted and approved the Minutes of the TSA House of Delegates Meetings of September 10 & 11, 2015, as written.
- Report 304 was extracted and assigned to Reference Committee 2 for editing purposes.
- Assigned Resolution 1 to Reference Committee 1. The Resolution recognizes Daneshvari R. Solanki, MD, for acquiring ABA certification and Diplomate status.
- Recognized Baylor College of Medicine, UTHSC-Houston, UTHSC-San Antonio, UT Medical Branch-Galveston, Scott & White Memorial Hospital, UT Southwestern Medical Center, and TTHSC-Lubbock for maintaining 100% resident membership in the TSA.
- Accepted Dr. Patrick Y. Giam’s gratitude for the Society’s support, assistance, guidance, and friendship during his candidacy for the office of ASA Vice-Speaker.
- Applauded and recognized Charles C. Tandy, MD for being awarded the Wood Library Distinguished Service Award.
- Recognized Emily Walker Petersen, MD as the 2016 William H. King Advocacy Award recipient.
- Acknowledged with overwhelming applause Catherine L. Scholl, MD for her establishment of the Texas Pint Competition.
- Presented Dr. Daneshvari R. Solanki with a certificate, an award, a standing ovation, and prestigious applause for receiving board certification from the American Board of Anesthesiology.
- Accepted all items published on the consent calendar for information only.
- Expressed appreciation to the members of the Reference Committees, the TSA President, Speaker, Vice-Speaker, Chris Bacak and Jennifer Bacak.
- Revised Report 304, lines 11-14 to read: As systems vie for larger shares, through construction/renovation of facilities, outreach programs, and enhanced surgical offerings, more and more pressure is exerted on the anesthesiology community to provide non-OR services which historically have been under- or non-paid.
- Revised Report 304, lines 34-38 to read: Residents in other specialties can be indirectly problematic for anesthesia, however, such as when PGY-2s are left to close while the attending completes his/her post-op duties, thus giving the inaccurate impression of increased turn-around times and negatively affecting throughout time.
- Approved recommendation for the TSA to adopt the opinion that Physician Anesthesiology groups should not have the types of providers which they hire or supervise solely determined by the facilities but by the medical judgement of the Physician Anesthesiologist(s) in each group. An ad-hoc committee from a committee of the President’s choice should be created to develop the strategy in addressing encroachments on practice decisions by hospital systems with a report due to the BOD by the January meeting. This committee is to coordinate efforts with TMA, AMA and ASA.
- Approved recommendation that the education committee posts notifications of accepted posters on the TSA website in a server space that is publically accessible and searchable for those needing verification of such academic activity as may be documented in a physician anesthesiologist’s curriculum vitae.
- Approved recommendation for TSA to request EMIT (Electronic Media and Information Technology) Committee at the ASA to revisit the resolution submitted in 2014.
- Approved that the Society expands its efforts directly with non-profit 501(c) entities as a means of expanding our advocacy effectiveness.
- Approved for TSA to maintain its level of advocacy efforts with an additional part-time support position in the Governmental Affairs Office.
- Approved that the TSA culminate its efforts in the development of a medical student and resident component with bylaws, with the intent of the first annual medical student and resident component meeting to occur at our 2017 Annual Meeting.
- Applauded Dr. Tim Bittenbinder for his outstanding leadership on the SafeVACare and other issues throughout this year.
- Approved funding the Women Anesthesiologists Breakfast on an annual basis.
- Approved recommendation that the Key Contact Committee in conjunction with the Governmental Affairs Committee develops Key Contact cards outlining key issues and distribute them to TSA members as a tool in communicating with their legislators.
- Approved for the Communications Committee to look into the logistics of doing a webinar during this coming legislative session for the Key Contacts to receive information and training to take to their legislators.
- Approved that the Communications Committee develops a communication tree with specific branches across the state to spread information efficiently and receive feedback in times of a crisis like the VA threat.
- Approved to allow the Administrative Affairs Committee to proceed with digitizing TSA records at an anticipated cost of $30,000.00 to the Board of Directors.
- Approved recommendation that the TSA continue using Facebook and Twitter to distribute content that has a broad focus on medical topics and special emphasis on anesthesia topics or medical events in Texas.
- Disapproved the recommendation that the ‘Cheers for Research’ competition be ceased.
- Approved recommendation that the Governmental Affairs Committee (GAC) creates awards recognizing the work of Legislators who are supportive of TSA legislative efforts.
- Documented the need for a financial budgetary adjustment to the GAC Committee budget line to account for the increased advocacy efforts needed for our legislative activities.
- Approved recommendation with comment for the TSA HOD to request that the ASA commission Dr. Art Laffer, an economist, to review the effect on a market if a government sets prices for health care at either a weighted average payment, a percentile of Fair Health, or a proprietary contract rate to which they do not have access. Comment: The TSA should investigate the costs of this endeavor as a sole entity versus cost sharing with the ASA.
- Acknowledged the TSA should actively participate and become a member of coalitions that help further the policies and mission of TSA.
- Supported that the TSA GAC should work with the ASA Ad-Hoc Task Force on OON Billing and coordinate with the State specialty chapters of the ASA discussion group in coordinating efforts around OON Billing legislative efforts. This should include public relations as well as model legislation.
- Accepted the TSA Economics Committee working with the ASA Benchmarking Taskforce in developing criteria for appropriate benchmarking tools.
- Affirmed that TSA follow the efforts of the Florida Society of Anesthesiologists lawsuit around “The Company Model” and develop guidelines for TSA membership regarding legally questionable business practices.
- Approved for the TSA to advocate strongly to state agencies and all other entities to maintain the current standard and Texas State Law mandating physician-led anesthesia care; and to monitor and oppose all efforts for the use of the APRN consensus model in the State of Texas where and when it runs counter to physician-led anesthesia care.
- Opposed strongly any efforts by any mid-level providers or educational entities that develop educational programs that educate beyond what their licenses authorizes them to practice.
- Supported TSA efforts to promote the ability of Anesthesiologist Assistants to appropriately be credentialed or practice in health institutions under the direct supervision of Physician Anesthesiologists.
- Approved the development of comprehensive policies and guidelines regarding the Provision of Anesthesia to dental patients using the current guidelines for physician anesthesiologists.
- Accepted participation in the TSAPAC as a requirement for being a TSA Key Contact.
- Encouraged TSA Key Contacts to register to vote and vote on a regular basis in general elections and in primaries.
- Approved for time to be allotted during the TSA Annual Meeting and the TSA Anesthesiologists Day at the Capitol for a special reception honoring TSA Key Contacts as part of the regular schedule.
- Accepted recommendation for the appointment of at least one resident member to the Education Committee.
- Elected the following:
President-Elect Girish P. Joshi
Secretary David E. Bryant
Treasurer Evan G. Pivalizza
Assistant Treasurer Sherif Z. Zaafran
ASA Delegates:
Place 7 Susan Curling
Place 8 Asa C. Lockhart
Place 11 S. Lynn Knox
Place 17 Girish P. Joshi
Place 23 Crystal C. Wright
Place 24 Tim M. Bittenbinder
ASA Alternate Delegates:
Place 1 Brad G. Butler
Place 2 Vincent G. Nelson
Place 3 George W. Williams
Place 4 Udaya B. Padakandla
Place 5 Laura I. Dew
Place 6 Thomas J. Oliverson
Place 7 David C. Mackey
Place 8 John S. Scott, Jr.
Place 9 J. Scott Holliday
Place 10 C. Nicholas Lee
Place 11 Sherif Z. Zaafran
Place 12 Michael R. Hicks
Place 13 Daneshvari R. Solanki
Place 14 Mary Ann Gurkowski
Place 15 Joe F. Bryan, II
Place 16 Benjamin D. Harvey
Place 17 Anthony Han
Place 18 Charles E. Cowles
Place 19 Vijay Saluja
Place 20 Vishal Raizada
Place 21 Scott A. Lindberg
Place 22 Thomas F. Rahlfs
Place 23 Ramy Mankarious
Place 24 Elizabeth Rebello
Place 25 Jeremie J. Perry - Approved as amended the 2017 Annual Budget.
- Encouraged all members to attend TMA advocacy and annual meetings.
- Recognized and commended Dr. Daneshvari Solanki for her accomplishments and her unquestioned tenacity in maintaining her stature as a towering individual among Texas physicians and academic leaders.