Despite these successes, we stay mindful that the number of posts or impressions is not the primary endpoint. Our goal remains the same as it was for members of the NYSA: promotion of physician-led anesthesia. We will reach this goal using meaningful content developed by physicians. Physicians must grasp the wheel and steer toward patient safety, just as members of the NYSA did. Anesthesiologists should use social media to communicate carefully crafted content. As pilots of the ship, we are the experts, and it is our obligation to use every resource at our disposal to promote patient safety.

Barry Pilot Boat – Ben Salter – via Flickr – CC BY 2.0 Pilot is a maritime
title that denotes advanced training. Pilots navigate ships in harbors and
through dangerous waterways. According to the American Pilots
Association,“The typical state-licensed pilot in the U.S. is the most
highly trained mariner in the world.”

  1. Giesecke NM, Observations, ASA Newsletter 2014; 79(1)
  2. Betcher, A. M., Ciliberti, B. J., Wood, P. M. and Wright, L. H.: Th e Jubilee Year of Organized Anesthesia, Anesthesiology, 17:226, March 1956.
  3. Elmassian K, Record-Breaking Social Media Engagement, Nationwide Member Activity Fuels Inaugural Physician Anesthesiologists Week, ASA NEWSLETTER. Volume 79(4):46-47.
  4. Elmassian K, ANESTHESIOLOGY® 2015: Learn More About Advocating for Our Specialty, ASA Monitor, 79(10):58-65.

Texas Delegation to the ASA 2014 Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA