- Recognized Greater Houston Anesthesiology/U.S. Anesthesia Partners for their sponsorship of the 2013 Art Exhibit.
- Applauded Dr. James K. Sims for his organization of the Annual TSA Art Exhibit.
- Informed members that the video recordings of TSA Past Presidents will be shown during scheduled breaks at future TSA Annual Meetings.
- Appointed Ann Becker, TSA Executive Director 1983-2003 to the History Committee.
- Applauded Dr. Udaya B. Padakandla for the outstanding video recordings he has created of the TSA Past Presidents.
- Accepted Dr. Elizabeth Rebello’s suggestion to host a track on practice management in conjunction with the TSA Interim Meeting.
- Applauded Dr. Girish P. Joshi for another successful Annual Meeting.
- Informed the Board that Clayton Stewart’s last day with the TSA will be September 11, 2013. Mr. Stewart has accepted a position with the TMA as the Director of TEX PAC.
- Approved motion to schedule the first Board Meeting of 2014 on Sunday, January 26th at the Grand Hyatt DFW.

ASA Director Interim Report - October 2013

Scott E. Kercheville, MD ASA Director
The ASA Board of Directors met at the Moscone West Convention Center in San Francisco, CA. at 12:20 PM on October 16, 2013 immediately following the 2013 ASA House of Delegates and was convened by ASA President Jane Fitch. The conduct of the Meeting was turned over and conducted by ASA Speaker, Dr. Steve Sween who began with a calling of the roll.
Following approval of the minutes of the August Board Meeting, reports for this meeting were presented and extracted for business.
Report 36-1, Committee on Young Physicians: Interim Report had an editorial correction to clarify which committees of the ASA were applicable for “young physicians”.
Dr. James Grant, ASA Treasurer was recognized for an update to the budget as a result of the changes made to Report 688-1 & 2, the President Elect’s report to the House of Delegates (HOD) on the annual budget. Due to the reduction of the proposed dues increase by the HOD, the annual operating margin was noted to be much smaller and the chances of dipping into the reserves (again) were possible.
Dr. Fitch adjourned the ASA Interim Board Meeting
at 12:45 PM.