the Speaker, Dr. Steve Sween who then began the normal business of the House including the adoption of the 2012 HOD Minutes and the announcements for the Session.
Dr. Zerwas then returned to the podium for his Presidential Address. His speech was titled “Change Happens” and he thanked all of the ASA members who have served in the past and continue to serve the
submitted the name of Dr. John B. Neeld for the 2013 ASA Distinguished Service Award. Dr. Neeld is a well-known and respected figure by those in the Texas Delegation due to his longstanding connection and friendship to Dr. James Arens (and others).
The following members were nominated for the election scheduled on Wednesday, October 16th.

Texas Delegation to the ASA 2013 Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C.
specialty on committees and task force groups. He concluded his remarks recounting his wife Cindy’s 20-month battle against cancer and her passing in August as he completed his year of service to the ASA. Not surprisingly, members of the HOD were moved greatly and thanked him with all due gratitude and respect.
The meeting continued with an address by Dr. Jane Fitch on her plans for her upcoming year as President. The historical nature of her ascent to this office cannot be overstated, as she became the second woman president of our organization in more than 100 years (after our beloved Dr. Betty P. Stephenson).
She linked the upcoming year for anesthesiologists to a line from the movie The Right Stuff by Dennis Quaid who portrayed one of our first American astronauts, Gordon Cooper. We are in the midst of “a whole new ballgame” and we must undergo a period of transformation if we will continue to persevere and succeed for our patients.
Dr. Mark Warner, Chair of the Committee on the DSA
President Elect
Dr. John P. Abenstein
First Vice President
Dr. Dan J. Cole
VP for Scientific Affairs
Dr. Beverly K. Phillip
VP for Professional Affairs
Dr. Stanley W. Stead
VP for Professional Affairs
Dr. Erin Sullivan
Dr. James D. Grant
Assistant Treasurer
Dr. Mary Dale Peterson
Dr. Linda J. Mason
Assistant Secretary
Dr. Jeffrey S. Plagenhoef
Dr. Steven L. Sween
Dr. Ronald L. Harter
Dr. Patrick Giam, Texas Alt. Director nominated Dr. Jeffrey Plagenhoef for the office of ASA Assistant Secretary and Dr. Debbie Plagenhoef, Texas Delegate seconded the nomination of Dr. Dan Cole for ASA First Vice-President.
The House was recessed at 11:05 AM to resume business on October 16,
2013.Later on Sunday, October 13th, Reference Committees