TSA Bylaws

11.0      The Society shall abide by the applicable Standards of Care of the ASA.

11.1      The House of Delegates of this Society may adopt by a two-thirds vote of the seated delegates at any Annual Meeting additional guidelines, standards, policies and statements.

Provided, however, that:

11.11  The guidelines, standards, policies and statements so adopted shall be of particular relevance to the ethical or clinical practice of anesthesiology, and

11.12  Such guidelines, standards, policies and statements shall have been presented to the House of Delegates at a previous annual meeting; or

11.13  Such guidelines, standards, policies and statements shall have been recommended by the Board of Directors and published in the Bulletin or Newsletter, or distributed via e-mail, at least thirty days prior to the annual meeting.

11.2      Guidelines, standards, policies and statements shall be appended to the Bylaws of the Society.

11.3      Time Limit

All guidelines, standards, policies and statements of the Society shall expire ten years after adoption unless re-adopted by the House of Delegates by 2/3 vote.

11.4      Amendment of guidelines, standards, policies and statements shall be in the same manner as amendment to these Bylaws.