TSA Bylaws
Funds of this Society are derived from the following sources:
2.00 DUES
The annual dues of the Society shall be recommended by the Board of Directors of this Society and ratified by a majority vote of those voting at the next Annual or Special Meetings of the House of Delegates.
2.000 Affiliate and Educational members shall pay one-half the amount of dues paid by active members.
2.001 Life, Honorary, Active Disabled, and Retired Members shall pay no dues or assessments.
2.002 Residents in anesthesiology and Medical Students shall not be required to pay dues.
2.003 An active Society member who is called to active military duty for a period of at least six months shall not be required to pay Society dues. Upon return from active military duty, the member shall pay a pro rata portion of the annual dues in their applicable membership category (e.g. active, affiliate, etc.). Members must request the temporary dues waiver, in writing, by contacting the Secretary of the Society.
2.004 Due Date
Annual dues are due and payable on January 1 of each year.
Special Assessments may be recommended by the Board of Directors, when necessary to raise additional funds, subject to ratification by a majority of the membership present and voting at a Regular or Special meeting of the House of Delegates.
Funds may be derived from voluntary contributions, bequests, income from publications of this Society, and any other source approved by the Board of Directors.
A member shall be delinquent if the dues and/or assessments are unpaid by March 31; and after notification, if still delinquent on June 1, his or her membership will be terminated. Assessments for the late payment of dues shall be made by the Board of Directors.
Any membership terminated for non-payment of dues and assessments may be reinstated by one of the following pathways:
2.041 If dues and/or assessments are paid by December 31st of the year of lapsed payment, members are reinstated without reapplication to the Society.
2.042 If dues and/or assessments are paid on or after January 1st of the year following lapsed payment, former members wishing to rejoin must make an application in the same manner as provided in these Bylaws for an original application for membership.
Any membership terminated for non-payment of dues and assessments may be reinstated by one of the following pathways:
2.041 If dues and/or assessments are paid by December 31st of the year of lapsed payment, members are reinstated without reapplication to the Society.
2.042 If dues and/or assessments are paid on or after January 1st of the year following lapsed payment, former members wishing to rejoin must make an application in the same manner as provided in these Bylaws for an original application for membership.
Expenditures of funds of this Society shall be made in the following manner:
2.10 Authority
Funds may be expended as authorized by the Board of Directors:
2.100 Within the limits of the annual budget approved by the House of Delegates; and
2.101 In accordance with the authorizations and within the limitations provided in these Bylaws
2.11 Payment
Checks issued by this Society must bear the signature of the Treasurer;
Provided, however, that the Board of Directors may authorize the establishment of special bank accounts and authorize the person or persons who may sign checks.