Volume 26, Issue 1
Summary of Actions
TSA Board of Directors
September 8, 2013
- Noted that the TSA highly supports the Texas Society of Anesthesia Technologists and Technicians (TSATT) and recognizes the important service the technicians provide.
- Approved the minutes of the May 19, 2013 TSA Board of Directors’ meeting as written.
- Approved the motion for the TSA Board of Directors to continue meeting in conjunction with TexMed; and to explore the option of meeting electronically.
- Approved motion to provide three Texas anesthesia programs $1000 each to send residents to the ASA 2014 Practice Management Conference.
- Accepted Dr. Sherif Z. Zaafran’s offer to serve as the TSA representative to the Texas Medical Disclosure Panel (TMDP).
- Reappointed Dr. Mark A. Margolis as the TSA representative and Dr. George W. Williams as the TSA alternate representative to the Medicare (MAC) Contractor Advisory Committee.
- Announced that Drs. Jaideep H. Mehta and Shreyas Bhavsar have been selected to participate in the TMA Leadership College.
- Asked that members be encouraged to join the Texas Medical Association.
- Approved motion to appoint a committee of the President’s choice to review attendance of non-members to business meetings held in conjunction with the TSA Annual Meeting.
- Approved motion to allow the TSA Vice-Speaker a vote at the Board of Directors meetings pending a resolution to the House to amend the TSA Bylaws.
- Announced that beginning in 2014, extraction of informational items submitted to the TSA House of Delegates must occur during the first meeting of the House.
- Appointed an Ad-Hoc Committee for Geographical Identifier’s for TSA Districts. Members of the Ad-Hoc Committee are: Drs. James P. McMichael (Chair), Christopher A. Bracken, Joseph F. Bryan, II, N. Martin Giesecke, Scott E. Kercheville and Daneshvari R. Solanki.
- Appointed Dr. Carrie D. Tutt as an Alternate Delegate to District 6, in Place 5.
- Approved guidelines for appointment of a resident member to the TSA Governmental Affairs Committee as follows:
*Resident Criteria/Requirement
- 1-2 residents/year;
- Each resident should be from a different institution;
- Resident should be selected at the end of their CA-1 year to allow for 2 years of active participation as a resident;
- Letter of support from their Program Director; and
- Resident submits a letter of interest in serving on the GAC.
*Resident Expectation
- Must be a member of the TSA and ASA;
- Attend the TSA Annual Meeting and/or TSA Anesthesiologists Day in Austin;
- Attend ASA Legislative Conference (based on TSA funding);
- Contribute to the TSA/ASA PAC at the Resident Level; and
- Submit an article to the TSA Bulletin regarding experience as a resident participating in advocacy.
- Announced that TSA Delegates will be asked to arrive earlier to future meetings of the House for credentialing purposes.
- Applauded Dr. Joseph F. Bryan, II for his service as the Chair of the Credentials Committee.
- Approved TSA Communications Committee recommendations as follows:
- That the TSA create a Facebook (FB) account as soon as possible with restrictive controls.
- That the TSA Bulletin be emailed to TSA members without the security requirement of entering in a Username or Password.
- That the TSA Bulletin expands to 4 issues in a 12 month period beginning in 2015.
- That renovation of the TSA website include:
- Annual update of the images/pictures on the website and
- Re-evaluation of the layout and color scheme.