Volume 26, Issue 1

Summary of Actions
TSA Board of Directors
September 8, 2013

  1. Noted that the TSA highly supports the Texas Society of Anesthesia Technologists and Technicians (TSATT) and recognizes the important service the technicians provide.
  2. Approved the minutes of the May 19, 2013 TSA Board of Directors’ meeting as written.
  3. Approved the motion for the TSA Board of Directors to continue meeting in conjunction with TexMed; and to explore the option of meeting electronically.
  4. Approved motion to provide three Texas anesthesia programs $1000 each to send residents to the ASA 2014 Practice Management Conference.
  5. Accepted Dr. Sherif Z. Zaafran’s offer to serve as the TSA representative to the Texas Medical Disclosure Panel (TMDP).
  6. Reappointed Dr. Mark A. Margolis as the TSA representative and Dr. George W. Williams as the TSA alternate representative to the Medicare (MAC) Contractor Advisory Committee.
  7. Announced that Drs. Jaideep H. Mehta and Shreyas Bhavsar have been selected to participate in the TMA Leadership College.
  8. Asked that members be encouraged to join the Texas Medical Association.
  9. Approved motion to appoint a committee of the President’s choice to review attendance of non-members to business meetings held in conjunction with the TSA Annual Meeting.
  10. Approved motion to allow the TSA Vice-Speaker a vote at the Board of Directors meetings pending a resolution to the House to amend the TSA Bylaws.
  11. Announced that beginning in 2014, extraction of informational items submitted to the TSA House of Delegates must occur during the first meeting of the House.
  12. Appointed an Ad-Hoc Committee for Geographical Identifier’s for TSA Districts. Members of the Ad-Hoc Committee are: Drs. James P. McMichael (Chair), Christopher A. Bracken, Joseph F. Bryan, II, N. Martin Giesecke, Scott E. Kercheville and Daneshvari R. Solanki.
  13. Appointed Dr. Carrie D. Tutt as an Alternate Delegate to District 6, in Place 5.

  1. Approved guidelines for appointment of a resident member to the TSA Governmental Affairs Committee as follows:

*Resident Criteria/Requirement

  • 1-2 residents/year;
  • Each resident should be from a different institution;
  • Resident should be selected at the end of their CA-1 year to allow for 2 years of active participation as a resident;
  • Letter of support from their Program Director; and
  • Resident submits a letter of interest in serving on the GAC.

*Resident Expectation

  • Must be a member of the TSA and ASA;
  • Attend the TSA Annual Meeting and/or TSA Anesthesiologists Day in Austin;
  • Attend ASA Legislative Conference (based on TSA funding);
  • Contribute to the TSA/ASA PAC at the Resident Level; and
  • Submit an article to the TSA Bulletin regarding experience as a resident participating in advocacy.
  1. Announced that TSA Delegates will be asked to arrive earlier to future meetings of the House for credentialing purposes.
  2. Applauded Dr. Joseph F. Bryan, II for his service as the Chair of the Credentials Committee.
  3. Approved TSA Communications Committee recommendations as follows:
  • That the TSA create a Facebook (FB) account as soon as possible with restrictive controls.
  • That the TSA Bulletin be emailed to TSA members without the security requirement of entering in a Username or Password.
  • That the TSA Bulletin expands to 4 issues in a 12 month period beginning in 2015.
  • That renovation of the TSA website include:
  1. Annual update of the images/pictures on the website and
  2. Re-evaluation of the layout and color scheme.