Russell K. McAllister, MD

611-1 Finance: Georgia Society of Anesthesiologists: Resolution for Support of Outcome Studies; due to the fiscal note of $1 million, there was considerable discussion at the Review Committee. Ultimately it was referred to a committee of the president’s choice with a goal of funding by the 2015 budget year. It is anticipated that FAER and the Committee on Research will be tasked with much of the work involved in finding and developing qualified researchers.

665-1 Finance: Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research: Second Grant Cycle Funding Request; in yet another request for $1 million (to be matched by FAER), monies were requested over a three year period to help reinstate a second grant funding by FAER. This was referred to the Ad Hoc Committee on Related Organizations with the goal of reporting back at the August BOD meeting.

Without a single report extracted for discussion and all matters agreed on the consent calendar, Dr. Fitch was able to adjourn the ASA Interim Board Meeting at 8:25 AM.