SEPTEMBER 13, 2015

  1. Approved the minutes of the May 3, 2015, TSA Board of Directors’ meeting as written.
  2. Continued sponsorship of $1000 each to three Texas anesthesia programs, to send residents to the ASA 2016 Practice Management Conference. The three programs will be Baylor, Scott and White and UT Houston.
  3. Recognized Drs. Anh Dang, Miguel De Valdenebro and Shannon Hancher-Hodges for being selected to participate in the TMA Leadership Class of 2016. TSA is the sponsoring organization for Dr. Shannon Hancher-Hodges.
  4. Recognized Dr. Christopher R. Cook for attending this year’s TSA Annual Meeting and his continued support of the TSAPAC.
  5. Approved motion to defer unified billing of ASA and TSA dues to a date uncertain.
  6. Charged the TSA Practice Management and Professional Development Committees with addressing Report 401 that recommends that the logistics for the implementation of an annual local meeting to address the needs of the residents and young physicians in the areas of practice management, employment and advocacy be created.
  7. Approved motion to allocate $10,000 total for advocating with the Texas Public Policy Foundation and the Texas Conservative Coalition.
  8. Approved motion that by September 28th the President, Communications Chair, and TSA Legal Counsel review the proposed Social Media Policy and once approved by all three the proposed policy will become the TSA Social Media Policy.
  9. Approved motion that the Governmental Affairs Committee will review the current budget and rules pertaining to the ASA Legislative Conference and report back to the President.
  10. Appointed Jennifer Oliverson as the Chair of the Ad-Hoc Alliance Committee.
  11. Appointed Drs. Catherine L. Scholl and Jeremie J. Perry to the Ad-Hoc Committee to Review the Texas Pint Competition Rules. Dr. Scholl will serve as the Chair of the Committee.
  12. Approved the following House of Delegates appointments:
    • David R. Eng, MD as a Delegate to District 4, in Place 1;
    • Jeffrey C. DuBois, MD as an Alternate Delegate to District 4, in Place 1;
    • Elizabeth D. Miller, MD as an Alternate Delegate to District 6, in Place 6;
    • C. Nicholas Lee, MD was appointed as the Director for District 3.
  13. Recognized and applauded Dr. Tracy D. Strandhagen for her outstanding service as the Director for District 3.
  14. Announced that members are able to self-nominate for appointments to ASA Committees and anyone interested in serving on a committee should notify Dr. Scott Kercheville or Chris Bacak. The deadline for nominations is December31st; requests for letters of support should be submitted to Dr. Kercheville by December 15th.
  15. Approved motion to appoint Dr. Roland A. Flores, Jr. as Content Editor for the TSA Twitter Account and Dr. Trenton D. Bryson as Content Editor for the TSA Facebook Page.
  16. Approved motion to designate 24 months of operating expenses as restricted reserves.
  17. Approved motion to charge the Finance Advisory Committee with developing a process for the management of the restricted funds and with submitting a report back to the Board in January.
  18. Approved motion to schedule the first Board Meeting of 2016 on Sunday, January 24th, in Houston.