MAY 17, 2021

  1. Announced that Bonnie Bruce will be resigning from the TSA in June of this year.
  2. Recognized Bonnie Bruce for TSA’s numerous legislative successes.
  3. Announced that all hotel requests that are specific to events or meetings occurring during the annual meeting must be made thru Chris Bacak.
  4. Expressed gratitude on behalf of Jennifer Cowles for everyone’s support, thoughts, and prayers.
  5. Conveyed appreciation to Dr. John Scott for his leadership of the TSAPAC.
  6. Charged the TSA Professional Development and Governmental Affairs Committees with developing 6-7 Zoom calls a year, based on the Transition to Practice program’s infrastructure, the calls will target residents, however, they will be open to all members.
  7. Recognized Drs. Anna Allred and Sherif Zaafran for their efforts this Session, especially on the All-Claim Payer Database bill.
  8. Recognized Drs. Austin Street and Lisa Weiss for their continued support and efforts.
  9. Expressed appreciation to members who participated in TSA Action Alerts.
  10. Noted that the Charles E. Cowles Professional Citizenship Award is not intended to be awarded each year.
  11. Recognized Christina Bacak for her efforts and continued contract negotiations.
  12. Recognized Dr. Elizabeth Rebello as the new TSA Assistant Treasurer.
  13. Approved the minutes of the Board of Directors January 24, 2021 meeting.
  14. Approved the criteria for the Charles E. Cowles Professional Citizenship Award.
  15. Certified the TSA House of Delegates election results for 2021.
  16. Approved the continuation of allowing the TSAPAC to purchase TSA Annual Meeting waivers at a twenty percent discount.