TSA Bylaws
The Standing and Special Committees of this Society shall be composed of members of this Society, appointed by the President, except as otherwise provided by these Bylaws. The President shall appoint the Chairs of committees to serve during his or her term of office except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws.
The terms of office of the chair and members of Standing and Special Committees shall be for the term of office of the President appointing them. The reappointment of committee chairs and members shall be considered on an annual basis with both committee chairs and members serving at the pleasure of the president.
Provided, however, that members of Committees existing at the time of adoption of these Bylaws shall continue to serve until expiration of the terms for which they were originally appointed.
The Standing Committees continue from year to year.
The President shall announce the membership of the Standing Committees, except as noted in Section 9.208, at the time of his or her installation in office.
The Standing Committees of this Society are:
9.200 Committee on Meetings
9.2001 Composition: Chair, Vice Chair, Second Vice Chair, Immediate Past Chair, President Elect, Chair of the Education Committee, Treasurer, Member of the Governmental Affairs Committee, Chair of the Committee on Resident and Medical Student Education, Member of the Long Range Planning Committee, Chair of the Resident Component, and three Members-at-Large. As Ex Officio Members: Immediate Past President, Speaker of the House, Vice Speaker of the House, Assistant Treasurer, Executive Director, Director of Governmental Affairs, TSA Social Media Associate, TSA Executive Associates, and Chair of the TSAPAC Board or their designee.
9.2002 Duties of the TSA Meeting Organization Committee: The committee will be responsible for every element of the Annual meeting, including but not exclusive to meeting planning, fiscal oversight and quality improvement. The committee shall maintain an Administrative Procedures document that details responsibilities and oversight for each of these elements of the annual meeting as well as the overall function of the committee. Changes to this Administrative Procedures document will be presented to the board at its next meeting whenever they are made. The annual report of the Committee will include meeting locations and dates for at minimum the next two Annual Meetings. The annual report will also include a summary of the prior year’s Annual Meeting financials as well as a pro-forma for the current year’s and subsequent year’s Annual Meeting budget. The Chair of the TSA Meetings Organization Committee shall update the President immediately should the projected budget for a specific meeting alter by more than 25,000 dollars.
9.2003 Duties of the TSA Staff: The Executive Director and the Society staff shall assist in all aspects of the Society’s meetings at the direction of the Chair of the TSA Meeting Organization Committee.
9.201 The Committee on Bylaws
9.2011 Composition: Four voting members of this Society, at least two who were members during the previous year, and the Speaker and Vice-Speaker of the House of Delegates.
9.2012 Duties: To recommend amendments to the Bylaws to ensure consistency with the actions of the policy-making bodies of this Society; to review annually any changes made by the House of Delegates of the American Society of Anesthesiologists and recommend appropriate action to the Society’s House of Delegates and
To prepare amendments which it considers advisable to facilitate the work and best interests of this Society.
9.202 Committee on Economics
9.2021 Composition: At least five members representing various practice modes, two of whom were members of the committee during the previous year. In addition, the Society’s representative to the Texas Medical Association’s Council on Socioeconomics will be an ex-officio member.
9.2022 Duties: To investigate economic issues affecting the practice of anesthesiology and make such recommendations as it deems proper, and
To represent this Society, under direction of the Board of Directors, in aiding the membership to secure and enforce legislation and rulings in the interest of the specialty of Anesthesiology, and
To provide representation for the Society at various regulatory agencies and advisory committees including Medicare, Medicaid and others, and
To establish and maintain communication with the Anesthesia Administrators Assembly (AAA) of Texas, and
To respond to requests from the President and/or Executive Committee of the Board of Directors for assistance regarding issues related to economics, and
To provide communication regarding issues jointly related to both committees, via the Chair, to the Committee on Governmental Affairs, and
To report to the Board of Directors and House of Delegates.
9.203 Committee on Membership
9.2031 Composition: The Secretary who shall act as Chair; and the Director of each of the Director Districts.
9.2032 Duties: To conduct investigations of all applicants for active membership in this Society and submit recommendations on such applicants to the Board of Directors,
To conduct investigations and make decisions on applications for all other categories of membership, except as otherwise provided for in these Bylaws, and
To encourage qualified persons to apply for membership in this Society.
9.204 Committee on Credentials
9.2041 Composition: Four members who are members of the House of Delegates.
9.2042 Duties: To act as a Credentials Committee to the House of Delegates as provided in the Rules of Order of the House of Delegates.
9.205 Committee on Peer Review
9.2051 Composition:
9.20511 The Peer Review Committee shall consist of three members, each serving a staggered three year term.
9.20512 The senior member shall be the Chair.
9.20513 The incoming President shall appoint the most junior member only. Each member of the Committee shall have been an Active Member of the Society for a minimum of five years. If a vacancy occurs in the Committee, the President shall appoint an active member to fulfill the unexpired term, subject to approval of a majority of the Board of Directors.
9.2052 Duties:
9.20521 The Committee shall investigate and make recommendations where appropriate to fulfill the responsibilities assigned by the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors. The Committee shall be responsible for developing and maintaining a program to provide peer review of expert witness testimony in litigation involving medical/legal issues related to any and all aspects of the practice of the specialty of anesthesiology.
9.20522 The Committee shall review cases which have been referred to it by members of the Texas Society of Anesthesiologists and the public. The Committee shall refer all cases in which further actions are deemed necessary to the Judicial Committee of the Society.
9.20523 The process governing the review of testimony and dealing with the results of the evaluation shall be detailed in the “Texas Society of Anesthesiologists Guidelines for Review of Expert Witness Testimony”. Developed by the Judicial Committee and approved by the Board of Directors.
For the purposes of these Bylaws, “testimony” includes any form of sworn testimony, as well as any written report submitted to a Court in support of a party’s position in litigation involving medical/legal issues related to the practice of the specialty of anesthesiology.
9.20524 The Committee’s purpose in reviewing expert witness testimony is the furtherance of quality healthcare, and its activities will be conducted as medical peer review as described in the Texas Medical Practice Act (Tex. Occ. Code Sections 151.001 et seq) and the Federal Health Care Quality Improvement Act (42 U.S.C. Sections 11101 et seq).
9.206 Judicial Committee
9.2061 Composition:
9.20611 The Judicial Committee shall be composed of five Past Presidents each serving a staggered five year term.
9.20612 The Senior member shall be the Chair.
9.20613 The incoming President shall appoint the most Junior member only. Each member of the Committee shall have been an Active Member of this Society for a minimum of five years. If a vacancy occurs in the Committee, the President shall appoint an active member to fulfill the unexpired term, subject to approval of a majority of the Board of Directors.
9.2062 Duties:
9.20621 Investigate, conduct hearings and make recommendations to the Board of Directors where appropriate to fulfill the functions of the Committee as outlined in the Bylaws of the Society.
9.20622 Develop and maintain the “Texas Society of Anesthesiologists Guidelines for Review of Expert Witness Testimony” as the Society’s process for review and appropriate referral subject to approval by the Board of Directors.
9.20623 Review findings and recommendations referred by the Peer Review Committee involving expert witness testimony in litigation involving medical/legal issues related to the practice of anesthesia. The Judicial Committee shall take actions which it deems appropriate, including, but not limited to, initiating proceedings for censure, suspension, and/or expulsion of a member in accordance with Section 1.21 of these Bylaws, and recommending to the President that the matter be referred to the Texas Medical Board and/or the American Society of Anesthesiologists.
9.20624 The Committee’s purpose in reviewing expert witness testimony is the furtherance of quality healthcare, and its activities will be conducted as medical peer review as described in the Texas Medical Practice Act (Tex. Occ. Code Sections 151.001 et seq) and the Federal Health Care Quality Improvement Act (42 U.S.C. Sections 11101 et seq).
9.20625 Review any matters referred to the Judicial Committee.
9.207 Committee on Education
9.2071 Composition: At least ten members, four of whom were members of the committee during the previous year.
9.2072 Duties: To plan and implement methods of furthering the postgraduate education of practicing anesthesiologists, including the arrangements for scientific educational programs sponsored by this Society;
To assist in obtaining approval and accreditation of scientific programs by the Accreditation Council of Continuing Medical Education; and
To act as an advisory group to the Committee on Meetings and the Board regarding educational efforts of the Society.
9.208 Committee on Governmental Affairs
9.2081 Composition: At least nine members, at least five of whom were members of the Committee the previous year, each serving a staggered four year term. The President-Elect will approve the continuation of the Chair as long as the Chair has served the Committee and the TSA according to the Bylaws, in the best interest of the Society. In addition to the Chair, the committee will be composed of the following members: A Vice Chair, to be elected by the Committee; at least three members at large recommended by the President, President- Elect or Chair; and one resident member (optional). Serving as ex-officio members: The Chair of the TSA Economics Committee; the TSA President and President-Elect; a representative of the ASA Committee on Governmental Affairs; the TSA Legislative Consultant; the TSA Legal Consultant; and the TSA Director of Governmental Affairs. There will also be a Governmental Affairs Advisory Board, which will be outlined below.
9.2082 Duties: To follow, receive, investigate and review, as far as possible, all matters of substance pertaining to governmental affairs that may affect the specialty and practice of anesthesiology, including: pending national and state legislative and administrative actions; all legislative and administrative affairs coming to the attention of the Society, however initiated; economic, state and federal regulatory agencies; and deliberations of federal, state and local courts.
To assist with preparations for the Legislative Agenda for the Society’s Annual Meeting,
To plan Texas Anesthesiologists Day at the Capitol,
To determine which TSA members will be invited to attend the ASA Legislative Conference each year, and
To report pertinent conclusions and recommendations for action at each meeting of the House of Delegates.
9.2083 Governmental Affairs Advisory Board
9.20831 Composition: The Governmental Affairs Advisory Board is composed of members selected by the President and President-Elect, with advice from the Chair of the Governmental Affairs Committee.
9.20832 Duties: The Governmental Affairs Advisory Board functions to provide the Committee on Governmental Affairs with needed expertise in areas such as legislative, economic and regulatory issues. It also provides a body from which the Committee on Governmental Affairs can draw Committee members, as needed.
9.209 Committee on Awards
9.2091 Composition: To be appointed annually and composed of past presidents 6, 7, and 8 years removed (or beyond if any of those unable to serve) and one other member of the Society to be appointed by the president for a total of (4). The earliest removed past president will be the chair of the committee.
9.2092 Duties: To make recommendations for awards to the House of Delegates in years in which nominations are deemed appropriate.
9.2092.1 The Distinguished Service Award is established to honor those who have rendered distinguished service to our specialty in Texas. These individuals must have been involved and participated in the affairs of the Texas Society of Anesthesiologists or have unusually distinguished themselves in matters directly associated with Anesthesiology. The Distinguished Service Award is to be presented at the Annual Meeting the year after he or she is identified and is to consist of an appropriately engraved certificate.
9.2092.2 The Cindy Zerwas Memorial Best Friend Award is established to honor non-member individuals who for a variety of personal reasons or circumstances have provided long term and dedicated service to our members and our Texas organization. The award should be presented to individuals who have exemplified themselves by their conduct and loyalty to the TSA. The award will be given following selection by the TSA Awards Committee.
9.2092.3 The Dr. James Adkins and Linda Adkins Resident Award is established to recognize our residents for their loyalty and involvement in all levels of our Society.
9.2092.4 The Charles E. Cowles Professional Citizenship Award is
established to recognize a TSA member with evidence of outstanding impact on patients, colleagues, community and society through their own high standards and ethical conduct, staunch accountability and advocacy for the profession and organization and effective community activity. The award is intended to be presented only when there is a qualified nominee.
9.210 Committee on Long Range Planning
9.2101 Composition: At least four members who are members of the House of Delegates, plus as ex-officio members, Past Presidents of the Society and Society members who were Presidents of the ASA, four of these members to be appointed to the official committee for staggered one-year terms.
9.2102 Duties: To determine long range goals and objectives of our Society and make appropriate recommendations to the Board of Directors and the House of Delegates.
9.211 Nominating Committee
9.2111 Composition: The immediate Past President as chair, the President-Elect and the preceding three Past Presidents as members. If any of these are unable to serve, a replacement of the President’s choice shall be named.
9.2112 Duties: To prepare a slate of officers to be presented to the House of Delegates. This slate of officers shall appear in the Handbook of the House of Delegates. The offices to be filled by the House of Delegates are:
Assistant Treasurer
ASA Alternate Delegates
In the years when their terms expire, the slate shall also include:
Speaker of the House of Delegates
Vice-Speaker of the House of Delegates
ASA Delegates
ASA Director and Alternate Director for District 19
9.212 Committee on Communications
9.2121 Composition: Five or more members, at least two of whom were members of the committee the previous year, and the Chair of the Editorial Board.
9.2122 Duties: To provide avenues of communication among members of this Society and with the public, and
To recommend to the Board of Directors methods of communication of information required by these bylaws (4.1312).
To maintain and update the Society’s website, and the chair shall act as supervisor for the Society’s website.
9.213 Committee on Administrative Affairs
9.2131 Composition: The President-Elect, the Immediate Past President and two other members.
9.2132 Duties: To coordinate the activities of the Society’s Office and the Executive Director and to make recommendations to the Board of Directors and the House of Delegates regarding present and future administration of the affairs of this Society.
9.214 Committee on Society History
9.2141 Composition: Five or more members, at least two of whom were members of the committee during the previous year.
9.2142 Duties: To compile and preserve the records of this Society and to foster research and writing on the history of this Society and of Anesthesiology in Texas.
9.215 Professional Development Committee
9.2151 Composition: Five or more members, at least two of whom were members of the committee the previous year.
9.2152 Duties: To solicit and review input from TSA members regarding outstanding needs for professional improvement. To develop and propose mechanisms for the TSA to meet these outstanding needs. To assist in the execution of directives from the board of directors regarding the professional development of its members.
9.216 Committee on Patient Safety and Medical Quality
9.2161 Composition: The chairs of the Communications, Economics, Education, Governmental Affairs, Long Range Planning, Professional Development Committees, and the President-Elect, and one other member appointed by the President to serve as Chair of the Committee for a 3-year term. If a vacancy exists in the Chair, the President may select a new member to serve a 3-year term as Chair.
9.2162 Duties: To meet at least annually and report on the progress of, and propose methods of promoting, patient safety in Texas.
9.217 Financial Advisory Committee
9.2171 Composition: At least four members, two of whom previously served on the committee, and the current Treasurer, who shall serve as the recording secretary of the committee.
9.2172 Duties: To advise the Board of Directors on investments for the non-operational funds of the Society and to monitor the performance of any investments made, reporting to the Board of Directors and House of Delegates.
9.218 Committee on Office-Based Anesthesia
9.2181 Composition: Six active members of this Society, at least two of whom were members of the committee the year before.
9.2182 Duties: To evaluate rules and propose rules related to Office-Based Anesthesia.
9.219 Betty P. Stephenson Circle of Friends
9.2191 Composition: All previous recipients of the Betty P. Stephenson Award and the TSA President-Elect who will serve as an Ex-Officio Member.
9.2192 Duties: To propose the annual Betty P. Stephenson lecturer for approval by the TSA Executive Committee;
To select future Betty P. Stephenson Award recipients; and
To continue the legacy of Betty P. Stephenson through the organization of the Betty P. Stephenson Lectureship.
9.220 Committee on Key Contacts
9.2201 Composition: Nine members and a chairperson, three members from the Governmental Affairs Committee (GAC), three Members from the Texas Society of Anesthesiologists Political Action Committee (TSAPAC), and three members from the Economics Committee appointed by the TSA President-Elect with endorsements from the respective Chairpersons of the GAC, Economics Committee and TSAPAC. All of these members are voting members of the Committee. Additional members may be appointed by the President-Elect, the additional members will be non-voting members. The Chairpersons of the GAC, Economics Committee, and TSAPAC will be members-at-large of this committee and will be non-voting members. In consultation with the Chairperson of the Key Contacts Committee the President-Elect may make additional appointments of Residents as he/she desires up to one resident member per training facility.
9.2202 Duties: To develop and maintain a robust and comprehensive list of state and national key contacts for government and non-government stakeholders in conjunction with the TSA Director of Governmental Affairs;
To meet on a regular basis with the state and national key contacts. Meetings should occur at least three times a year, once formally during the Texas Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting and two other meetings either formally or by conference call. This will be at the choice of the Key Contact Chairperson.
To report on a regular basis to the Chairpersons of the GAC and TSAPAC on the status of the key contact list;
To report to the Board at every meeting the status of the Key Contact list and other matters of interest concerning Key Contacts; and
To submit an annual budget with consultations from the TSA Director of Governmental Affairs, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer and Executive Director no later than June 15st of each year.
9.221 Committee on Resident and Medical Student Education
9.2211 Composition: At least ten members, four of whom were members of the committee during the previous year.
9.2212 Duties: Identify and provide resources for education and development of anesthesiology residents and medical students. Act as an advisory group to the Committee on Meetings, Committee on Education and the Board regarding educational efforts of the Society directed toward residents and medical students.
9.222 Practice Management Committee
9.2221 Composition: 5 or more members at least two of whom were members during the previous year.
9.2222 Duties: To solicit and review input from TSA members regarding contemporary practice management issues relevant to members. To make recommendations to the Board of Directors on plans of action deemed appropriate regarding these issues.
9.223 Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine Committee (RAAPM)
9.2231 Composition: Five or more members, at least two of whom were members of the committee during the previous year.
9.2232 Duties: To increase the connectivity and collaboration of RAAPM specialists in Texas; to develop targeted and stratified RAAPM learning opportunities for the membership; to advocate for adequate payment of RAAPM practices; and to establish physician anesthesiologists as the definitive resource for perioperative pain management.
9.3 Special Committees
Special Committees of this Society may be appointed by the President for specific purposes during his or her term of office.
Special committees may not be given assignments conflicting with or duplicating the functions of any standing committee.
An Ad-Hoc Committees will be a special committee appointed by the President for an assignment that has an indeterminant conclusion. Ad-Hoc committees will automatically dissolve at the conclusion of the term of the President creating them unless they are specifically given continuance by the next President before the conclusion of the first Board of Director’s meeting of his term.
A Taskforce will be a special committee appointed by the President that will exist until its specific charge has been completed. This charge may transcend the term of the President appointing it. A Taskforce may be dissolved by the President at any time prior to the completion of its charge. A Taskforce will automatically dissolve upon the completion of its charge.
A Sub-committee will be a special committee convened to support the work of a standing committee. Sub-committee’s may be dissolved at any time by the President, but otherwise will continue to exist beyond the term of a President. Members of a sub-committee may be appointed by the President or Chair of the Standing Committee under which they exist.
9.4 Reports
Each committee of this Society shall report its activities in the following manner:
9.41 Annual Report
A written report detailing its activities and recommendations addressed to the House of Delegates and forwarded to the Secretary of this Society.
9.42 Interim Reports
Such written reports as the Board of Directors or the House of Delegates may require.
9.43 Filing
Annual reports shall be filed by the Chair of each committee no later than six weeks prior to the annual session. All reports should be in a standard electronic, editable format.