Welcome to the Texas Society of Anesthesiologists

The TSA is a voluntary, non-profit association of over 3,800 members interested in the medical specialty of Anesthesiology and it is a component of the American Society of Anesthesiologists.

Who We Serve


It shall be the purpose 
of the Texas Society of Anesthesiologists to advance, promote and support the practice of the medical specialty of Anesthesiology 
in the State of Texas.


As physicians providing the lifeline of modern medicine, anesthesiologists are highly-skilled medical doctors dedicated to improving patient safety and the broad practice of anesthesiology in all practice settings.

Policy Makers

The TSA Governmental Affairs team works with Texas legislative and regulatory bodies on behalf of all Texans to ensure the continued safe and effective medical practice of anesthesiology in Texas.

Become a TSA Member

TSA and ASA Membership = Value to YOU

Stay Social With Us

Connect with your colleagues and stay current with the happenings of our society.

Member Spotlight

TSA members serve patients and physicians as leaders in healthcare organizations across the great state of Texas and nationwide.

Carin Hagberg, MD

Congratulations to Dr. Carin Hagberg for being named as one of the twelve recipients of the 2024 Regents Outstanding Teaching Awards by UT System Regents.

Shaina Drummond, MD

TSA wishes to congratulate Dr. Shaina Drummond who was installed last month as the 142 president of the Dallas County Medical Society, the second largest medical society in the country.

Vijaya Gottumukkala MD, FASA

The TSA wishes to congratulate Dr. Vijaya Gottumukkala, incoming President of ASER (American Society for Enhanced Recovery).

Daneshvari Solanki, MD, FRCA, DABA

Congratulations to Dr. Daneshvari Solanki, who was recognized as a Fellow of the American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine last month.

TSA Annual Meeting Sponsors

Become a TSA Annual Meeting Exhibitor or Sponsor

Our next annual meeting will be on September 07, 2025 in San Antonio TX, at the JW Marriot.